Virginia Tech Chances? Your response will be appreciated :)

Weighted GPA: 3.75
Took 10 Honors and 4 AP classes (my high school offers 7-10 AP classes)
(Our School does not weigh Honors classes, Weigh AP classes by .05)
Class Rank: Top 22%
SAT: 510 Reading
660 Math


  • 4 years of Varsity Golf (9th-12th)
  • Made it into Regional Qualifier (12th)
  • Team Captain of the Golf team (12th)
  • Received a Golf school Award for being the best player (12th)
  • In National Honor Society
  • Part of the High school Marching and Concert Band (9th)
  • Received an Honor Roll Award on my school (9th-12th)

Community Service:

  • 100 hours of Church Community Service
  • 20 hours in the local library

I applied as University Studies for my major

Your GPA is fine, but you are below average for VA Tech’s SAT score: they have an average SAT of 1290, whereas your score is an 1170. Your EC’s may give you a higher chance of getting in. Are you in-state or OOS?

I am in state. My cumulative GPA also rose to 3.92 after getting 4.0 gpa in the 1st semester of my senior year.

Thank you for your respone :slight_smile: I appreciate it.

Ok, that’s great! I think you have a better chance of getting into Tech. Honestly, getting into Tech isn’t that hard, but as long your record shows that your on the right track, you’ll be fine :slight_smile: I’m also applying to VT this year, so I’m in the same position as you are :slight_smile:

Really! thats awesome! What other colleges have you applied?

My son is hoping to get into Virginia Tech Engineering.

SAT: 1400 Math 760 EBRW 640
GPA 3.6 and Weighted 3.8
Anyone know if they use weighted or unweighted?
His EC’s are a 15 hour a week job and 6 hours of Bowling

Only one essay. We’ll see.