Chances from ucsd to ucla

<p>I received a 3.65 in 4 classes (16 units). That is the only quarter of grades I have. I am only a freshman, but by the end of this year I'l have 130 units and I want to transfer.</p>

<p>I also play a club sport, and have a job at the library</p>

<p>so wut are m,y chances for ucla</p>

<p>Oh and i am a classical civilization major</p>

<p>How can you have 130 units??????? at the end of your freshman year???? when you only took 16 units in your first quarter???????????????????????????????????????</p>

<p>its called quantum physics kevin</p>

<p>naw jk... hahhahah he's pullin ur leg</p>

<p>No im serious, I have a bunch of AP and community college credits. so I'll have way over 90 by the end of the year.<br>
SO with only one quarter of 3.65 do I have a shot at ucla?</p>

<p>you cant use community college credits that u used to fullfill hs requirements...</p>

<p>yes you can</p>