Chances of admittance?

I am an upcoming senior at my high school. My dream school is Virginia Tech. I am looking for the public perception on my chances on admittance at this university.While I feel like I would get in easily if I was an instate student being an out of state student scares me. Here is a few little facts about me! </p>

<p>GPA: 4.3 out of 4
Rank: 4th out of about 170
ACT Composite: 25 (I have only taken the test once and am yet to take the SAT)
I am in NHS along with a few other clubs.
I am an all-state baseball player and have lettered every year.
On the negative, I have less then 100 community service hours. </p>

<p>This is just a shortened little resume, but I am looking for your opinion. Just let me know what you think, also give me advice or recommendations on what you would do in my situation.

<p>Pretty good, get the test score up 10-15% to have a solid shot. SAT around 1700-1900 minimum.</p>

<p>yeah i’m sure you’ll get in, just do well on the SAT and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I was trying to avoid the SAT and only get in on my ACT due my low PSAT, should I take the SAT? Could I get in on just my ACT?</p>

<p>yes, it’s possible. On their website it says that you have to take the writing portion as well on the ACT? I never took the ACT, so I don’t know if the writing part is together with the whole exam.</p>

<p>[What</a> We Look For | Applying as a Freshman](<a href=“]What”></p>

<p>Yes, I took the writing portion and all…</p>

<p>Then you’re good to go. Hope to see you here next year!</p>

<p>Any idea what major you are applying to? </p>

<p>There is a big difference in your ability to gain admission into your chosen major depending on what you pick. If you have chosen engineering or architecture, your chances of gaining admission into that program is going to be harder than just getting into the university itself. This does not mean that they will reject you if you do meet the college specific requirements, they will merely place you into University Studies and send you a letter on how you can transfer into one of those departments internally. </p>

<p>As for your stats, they give you a decent shot of acceptance. To be completely honest with you, I think applicants have a better shot of getting accepted out-of-state than those who apply from the Northern Virginia area. VT receives a large number of applicants from that region every year, and most of these students are boasting 700+ in each section on the SAT. That is what makes it so competitive. </p>

<p>I would like to provide you with a bit of information on VT engineering, if you are applying to that program. When I applied to VT for Fall 2010 entrance, the cut-off for entrance into engineering was a SAT Math score of 600 or an ACT Math sub-score of 26. Below this and they will NOT let you into that major; however it is very easy to transfer in. </p>

<p>To summarize, your 25 ACT puts you in about the 50th percentile for accepted students, and your GPA blows the average out of the water. In my opinion, you have an above average shot.</p>



<p>A 25 on the ACT converts an 1150 on the SAT, which puts the OP in the bottom 25% of accepted freshmen for 2012.</p>

<p>From the “Applying as a Freshman” page linked above:</p>



<p>Given that things are likely to be more competitive in 2013 and VT takes the best scores over multiple attempts, take the ACT again. You have everything to gain by doing so, especially if Tech is your dream school.</p>

<p>Thank everyone for your opinions. I’m mad about the September 8 ACT, because my family and I attend all the Tech games and they play AP that day. I have decided to take the ACT again in October. I think I may major in political science, any inside on that major and acceptance?</p>

<p>Are you from Northern Virginia?</p>

<p>Also go ahead and take the SAT. VT will take your best score from the two so it won’t hurt. You’re a reach with your current test score.</p>

<p>No I’m actually from southern West Virginia…</p>

<p>Don’t give up so easily on the SAT. You seem to take it for granted that you cannot improve your score. I’ve seen 200-400 point jumps many times and it is easier from your starting point.</p>

<p>“No I’m actually from southern West Virginia…”</p>

<p>Oh hey me too (roughly.) I asked because it is harder to get in from NoVa than pretty much anywhere else.

  • *</p>

<p>I got AAAB in CIE a-levels, 86% in grade 10, 2100 in SAT??? my chance?</p>