Chances of becoming a BADGER?

<p>I didn't start looking at this school much until about a week ago..but everything seems positive and I'm thinking it might just be worth an application. This could potentially become one of my top choices. Do you think I have a good shot at admission? (I couldn't really use that chances chart, because my GPA and rank didn't really line up, in fact my rank was so low it was off the charts...)</p>

<p>White Male from Southern California (Born in Illinois, moved in 2002)
Attend pretty good public school
Not First Generation
GPA (Unweighted): 3.45
RANK: 212/501 (horrible, I know. School's REALLY competitive.)
ACT: 29 (29 E, 32 M, 28 R, 30 S..)
SAT: 1850 (did not send)
Major: Media/Film/English</p>

<p>Grade Trend: Freshman 3.4ish, Sophomore 3.8ish, junior 2.9ish (no excuses, I got lazy.)</p>

<p>Honors/AP Classes: Algebra 1 HONORS, American History HONORS, Physical Science HONORS, English 9 HONORS, English 10 HONORS, AP Biology, AP US History, AP Psychology, Geometry HONORS, AP English Comp., AP Chemistry, AP European History, AP Environmental Science, HONORS Spanish III, AP Spanish Lang, AP Statistics, HONORS Physics</p>

<p>Senior Year Dual Enrollment (local cc) Classes: English 1201 (College Writing I), Principles of Macroeconomics, General Psychology, Healthy Living (HS grad requirement) Political Science 112 (Intro), Film and Graphics A</p>

<p>AP Scores: AP Biology (3), APUSH (3), AP Psychology (4), AP English Lang (4), AP Chemistry (1 (atleast I tried) )</p>

<p>^^ In regards to my poor AP Chem Exam score, my semester grades for AP Chemistry were B/A-. </p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities:</p>

<p>Part Time Job @ Seattle’s Best Coffee; August 2008-Present; Typical 25 hours a week during school, and up to 40 during the summer</p>

<p>Part Time Job @ Target; March 2008-July 2008 (Left because they wouldn’t approve my availability changes and scheduled me during school)</p>

<p>2 Month Internship at Arclight Productions in LA; Focused on Entertainment Marketing and became somewhat familiar with basic image alteration software; 20 hours per week</p>

<p>3 week internship at Rogue Agent Industries in LA; assisted with lower-level commercial marketing and advertisements; 10 hours per week</p>

<p>Varsity Cross Country; 9th Grade-12th grade; Captain Position 2 consecutive Years; personally host several team events; lettered</p>

<p>Varsity Swimming/Diving; 9th Grade-12th Grade; Captain Position Senior Year; District Champion in 200 I.M., Voted “Best Teammate”; lettered</p>

<p>Varsity Track & Field; 10th-12th Grade; 4x400 m. relay/200 m. dash; will likely NOT letter</p>

<p>Band; 9th-12th; First Chair Percussionist</p>

<p>Marching Band; 11th-12th; Drumline; 4 hours per week; co-section leader senior year</p>

<p>School Technical Support Specialist (Our morning announcements are broadcasted over the TV and I double up on camera/audio.)</p>

<p>Started & am President of school’s Video Club; 10th-12th Grade; 10-15 hours per week; produce a full length video each school year; one of our videos (I wrote the script) was featured in the community at a volunteer banquet</p>

<p>Started (with 2 friends) school’s Stand Up Comedy Club; Founder; 3-4 hours per week; school sanctioned club,; recruited 17-20 members; host of several events</p>

<p>School Newspaper Publication; Co-Editor; 11th-12th Grade [possibly editor in chief this year], 4 hours per week</p>

<p>National Honor Society; 11th-12th grade; “Treasurer”; 40 community service hours from May 2009 to present</p>

<p>Key Club; 10th-12th; Solely a participant; may be elected onto the executive board this following year</p>

<p>Fall Musical; 10th Grade; 20 hours per week; had role of Will Parker in “Oklahoma”; hosted 3 cast events at my house; unfortunately can no longer participate due to my job
- considering being a part of the technical crew for this year, most likely with lighting or audio; assuming I can find time when I'm not at work and my course rigor allows time for it.</p>

<p>Speech Team; 8th-12th Grade (started early); Co-President; Received an award for being “most animated”; 4-5 hours a week
- Am getting a recommendation from this coach (who was also my AP English teacher)</p>

<p>School Camera Specialist (as part of Video Club); I’m in charge of video taping at important school events such as pep rallies and varsity football games; receive volunteer hours for this</p>

<p>Worth an application/Good chance? No? Anything appreciated.</p>


<p>That junior year GPA is going to kill you. It’s one of the things colleges look at most.</p>

<p>I think you have an okay chance… First off, like the previous poster mentioned, your junior year is not good. UW really looks to see how the grade trend is and that significant of a drop probably raises a red flag or sorts. </p>

<p>As far as your GPA goes, its about average or maybe slightly low… not too bad though, not going to kill you. Also, your class difficulty looks good with the APs. Don’t worry UW doesn’t look at AP test scores so the 1 doesn’t matter. (Chemistry is impossible lol)</p>

<p>Class rank could be a problem for you. My school didn’t have class rank so I can’t comment on how much it matters, but yours is quite low. Unless you are able to express maybe how superior your school is to explain it, this will hurt you.</p>

<p>Lastly your ACT/Extracurrics look very good and above average.</p>

<p>My advice: Kick butt first semester senior year and maybe apply after its over so you can send in a 3.8/4.0 type GPA to prove to the university you can do it. Also, maybe take the ACT again to help your chances to balance out the crappy grade trend. Shot for like a 31/32 if possible. Your chances are not impossible, but you have work to do. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore at UW, and I had similar stats when I applied (slightly higher GPA [3.6something], same ACT score, similar EC’s [not quite as good], slightly better rank) and I got postponed and then accepted, after annoying the hell out of the admissions people.</p>

<p>My best guess is Postpone—> Reject/Waitlist Offer.</p>

<p>I’d be really surprised if you got rejected right away, but also surprised if you got admitted right away.</p>

<p>But definietely go for it. My roommate last year had a 2.9 in High School and a 26 on the ACT, and he made it in somehow, so you can too.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>