<p>It's been pretty quiet around here lately so I'm going to ask a question thats been on my mind. All you Fall 2011 transfers must be busy setting up in your new lives and forgetting about us, and my fellow 2012 transfers must be busy with class like me. I'm taking notes as we speak on Conflict and Cooperation between the UNSC & Korea.</p>
<p>Anywhooo. I was just thinking and trying to figure out how it will all work out for me next year when i am preparing to move for housing and was just wondering what is the odds it would be possible for me to get my own single bedroom apartment, and how much typically it would cost - along with its pro's and con's anyone can help me provide other than the obvious, obvious pro of yes, my own space, and obvious pro of it will cost a lot.</p>
<p>thank you so much as usual.</p>