Chances of Texas A&M Engineering School

Hello, I am just ending my junior year. I know that when you apply to A&M , you apply to the engineering school, then based off GPA of freshman year , they decide whether or not you get your major. I am hoping to get a computer science major. Here are some of my stats.

AP classes taken:
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Chemistry
AP Physics 1
AP World History
AP Art History
AP Compuuter Science A
AP US History
AP English Language and Composition
AP Statistics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC

In senior year, I am planning to take…
AP Literature
AP Gov
AP Econ
AP Biology
AP Physchology

1 year of band ( freshman year, made region and area band)
1 year of Robotics (freshman year, qualified to the state level)
3 years of DECA( qualified for nationals sophomore year and junior year)
3 years of track( JV Sophomore year, Varsity afterwards. Was a district champion in sophomore year)
Went on a mission trip into west China during freshman year for a week to teach the kids there english and history.
Was part of a club in my school where we mentored the unprivileged students in the district. We met up with the kids every 2 weeks.

Also, my rank is 36/474. I have a unweighted gpa of 3.84.
Sat score of 1400. 750 Math, 650 verbal.

I would say that you almost certainly will get into the Engineering program at TAMU.

Are you instate?

Yes , I am in state

I’m pretty sure you’ll be accepted. However, just in case you didn’t know, you’ll be placed into General Engineering for the first year at A&M along with everyone else. It is only after your second semester that you can apply for your major, and the Computer Science major only accepts people who have a 3.5+ for their overall GPA. Everyone else has basically zero chance of getting in.

You’ll definitely be admitted to gen engineering! Then make the 3.5 gpa and take required courses to satisfy ETAM and you’ll be golden. Nicely done!!!