Chances: WashU and Northwestern

<p>I'm applying to Washington University in St. Louis) and Northwestern University as a transfer student from University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). I am a second semester freshman. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.15
SAT Scores: 700 (Verbal), 680 (Math), 710 (Writing)
College GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>First semester I took English Composition, a "Liberal Arts" seminar that was a Horror Film and Lit. class, German 101, Intro. to East Asian History, and Intro. to Music, all 100 level, all of which I made As in.</p>

<p>This semester I was admitted to the Honors College and am taking Beginning Fiction Workshop (311, honors), Shakespeare On Film (408, honors), German 102, Astronomy II (104 Honors), Business Calculus (267), and a required class in the Honors College called "Honors 102", which is basically a writing-intensive philosophy course.</p>

<p>In high school I had a long, long list of extracirriculars, but in college I have none officially. </p>

<p>I consider myself a very good writer and wrote an very creative essay which a friend (English major) at WashU proofread and said was definitely good enough to get into any college.</p>

<p>I was a very outspoken student in my classes, and the two professors who I got to write recommendations seemed very happy to do it, and both gave me great remarks on papers.</p>

<p>I also visited WashU officially, and Northwestern unofficially but indicated in my application that I had.</p>

<p>Despite my poor high school grades, what do you think my chances of getting into these schools are?</p>

<p>4.0 from the first semester will not really count in your decision.
What will matter the most is your H.S. GPA & SAT scores.</p>

<p>Your SAT's are fine but H.S. GPA is not that great. I am sure they will ask you for your mid-term report.</p>

<p>Just have your finger crossed and pray. I am sure you will get in.</p>

<p>Best of Luck!</p>

<p>Chances pretty low given your high school GPA. I would wait a year.</p>

<p>Be sure to apply at the earliest possible date since WashU admissions are rolling for transfers. Agree with the above stated. HS GPA will be biggest obstacle, but it's worth applying this year. If you don't get in now, if you keep up the work and apply next year you should be in.</p>

<p>your chances are ok, i think, 50/50 in my mind.</p>

<p>make that 60/40;)</p>

<p>I've heard nearly everywhere that HS GPA wouldn't count nearly as much as college. </p>

<p>Also my admission decision should come before my mid-term report, though I am doing fine in my current classes as well.</p>

<p>Are most transfer students admitted during their freshman year or sophomore?</p>

<p>Also, I'm applying to Saint Louis University as a safety, and Vanderbilt as sort of an intermediate.</p>

<p>Also again (sorry), I am applying to both schools' A&S colleges as an English major.</p>

<p>I wouldn't consider Vanderbilt a Match, I would consider it very similar to the other schools you are trying to get into. </p>

<p>I agree with the other posters, I would definitely wait a year, and then your high school GPA would not weigh as significantly. You're right in thinking that HS doesn't matter as much when you are in college, but as a sophomore transfer it weighs very heavily in an admission decision.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>


<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>Did you already send in your apps to WashU and NU?</p>

<p>Go ahead and apply if you want, but you'll be in much better shape if you wait a year.</p>

<p>I did send them in already, because I know they're rolling and I thought it would be a good idea to get them in as soon as possible. </p>

<p>If I don't get in this year, would the fact that I applied this year hurt my chances for next year?</p>

<p>No. If anything, it would only serve to emphasize your interest in attending. Good luck!</p>

<p>To anyone who cares, I got into Wash U. I won't hear back from NU for about 2 months.</p>

<p>That's so great! Congrats. And good luck on Northwestern. :) At least you know you have one great option while you endure that long wait.</p>

<p>if you got into washu, then it must be super easy to get in, considering how low your stats were.</p>

<p>I'd hardly call a 21% acceptance rate "super easy to get into."</p>

<p>they might have increased the acceptance rate this year, since obviously a 3.1 HS gpa combined with 1 semester's worth of grades is clearly not enough at 90% of top schools. Just look at all the rejects on this website with perfect HS grades/scores + perfect college gpas</p>