<p>I'm applying to Washington University in St. Louis) and Northwestern University as a transfer student from University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). I am a second semester freshman. Here are my stats:</p>
<p>HS GPA: 3.15
SAT Scores: 700 (Verbal), 680 (Math), 710 (Writing)
College GPA: 4.0</p>
<p>First semester I took English Composition, a "Liberal Arts" seminar that was a Horror Film and Lit. class, German 101, Intro. to East Asian History, and Intro. to Music, all 100 level, all of which I made As in.</p>
<p>This semester I was admitted to the Honors College and am taking Beginning Fiction Workshop (311, honors), Shakespeare On Film (408, honors), German 102, Astronomy II (104 Honors), Business Calculus (267), and a required class in the Honors College called "Honors 102", which is basically a writing-intensive philosophy course.</p>
<p>In high school I had a long, long list of extracirriculars, but in college I have none officially. </p>
<p>I consider myself a very good writer and wrote an very creative essay which a friend (English major) at WashU proofread and said was definitely good enough to get into any college.</p>
<p>I was a very outspoken student in my classes, and the two professors who I got to write recommendations seemed very happy to do it, and both gave me great remarks on papers.</p>
<p>I also visited WashU officially, and Northwestern unofficially but indicated in my application that I had.</p>
<p>Despite my poor high school grades, what do you think my chances of getting into these schools are?</p>