
<p>Hi. I have a 3.57 GPA, 26 ACT, and my school doesn't rank students. My general grade trend goes up over my first 6 semesters. I go to a small (280 students) private, competitive college prep school in Indiana. All classes are taught at an "accelerated" level - we don't have honors classes and we don't have the option to take APs until junior year. I took 2 APs last year (AP Lang & APUSH) and I'm taking 3 APs this year (AP Lit, AP Spanish, and AP Gov). I work at a farm during the summer and during October. I work about 30 hours a week during the summer and 16 hours a weekend and 8 hours a week in October. </p>

<p>Other activities include:
Managing copyeditor of student run online publication (leadership position)
JV/V tennis player
Community Service Club
Member of school environmental club </p>

<p>I plan to major in English and become a copyeditor and/or publisher. I'll have 57 credits by the time I graduate and I've been on the honor roll my first 6 semesters. I know my GPA and ACT scores aren't the best, but do I still have a chance of getting in? </p>

<p>Apply but also have other choices.</p>

<p>Can you retake the ACT? What were your subscores?</p>

<p>I took the ACT earlier this month, but I haven’t gotten my scores back. I think they’re supposed to come out tomorrow. With my last ACT, I scored 28 in English, 30 in reading, 24 in science, and 20 in math. Obviously math is not my strong point, and it always brings my scores down. I probably will not take the ACT again because I’m applying early action and plan to submit my application as soon as I get my next ACT scores back. </p>

<p>You are NOT applying “early action” to UW because they only have rolling admissions with an early notification period. That notification can be admit, reject or postpone the final decision.</p>