
<p>based on just this info and not taking ecs into account, what are my chances?
SAT: 600CR 630M 550W will redo if I get 28 or lower of ACT
GPA UW: 3.2 (got a 4.0 junior year)
GPA Weighted: School doesn't do weighted GPAs or ranks
Next year classes are: AP Bio, AP English language and Composition, AP Chem, COLLEGE NOW precalc and trig, Modern American and World Issues, and Law and American Society
This summer I'm interning at a marketing company and I'm taking a course at a local CC thats a continuation of AP US Gov
I live in Oregon and I'm planning on majoring in International Studies or Political Science (or something in the same ball park as the two)</p>

<p>It doesn't look too good. Your GPA and test scores are pretty low for Madison.</p>

<p>Considering that Madison is a fairly numbers-oriented school, I would definitely retake the SAT if I were you; your composite is 1780, and 1770 is only the 25th percentile for admitted freshmen. I would also try for at least a 30 on the ACT in order to offset your GPA and maximize your chances; I have a 3.1 academic GPA, a 34 ACT, and a 2110 SAT (740CR, 700M, 670W) and I still got rejected after being postponed. (My test scores were my only redeeming factor; I was a slacker for most of high school.)*</p>

<p>Your 4.0 during junior year and your projected senior-year classes will both weigh heavily in your favor, even more so if your grades show an upward trend from 9th and 10th grade. Try to get a similar average next year and don't let senioritis set in as I did. This is especially important if you get postponed.</p>

<p>If you do get denied, try going to UW-Eau Claire and transferring after 2 semesters. (This is what I'm doing.) UWEC is one of the most competitive state schools for transfer to Madison. Also remember that it is way easier to get in as a transfer than as a freshman; good college grades will usually compensate for a bad high school record.</p>

<p>In the end, test scores don't matter nearly as much as course rigor, GPA, and class rank, something I learned the hard way.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>*The "slacker" part is only partially true; while I did slack off a lot, I also had to deal with a lot of family health and financial issues, but Madison didn't seem to care anyway!</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback! My GPA in sophomore year actually went down because I was moving from Virginia to Oregon and I was more interested in social closure than grades. But from the sound of it Madison won't care =(</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback! My GPA in sophomore year actually went down because I was moving from Virginia to Oregon and I was more interested in social closure than grades. But from the sound of it Madison won't care about the effect of the moving process on grades=(</p>

<p>I dont know they definitely take it into consideration. i didnt have the best gpa and i had a family reason and i got in. just try to get it up as high as possible, get good recommendations and apply as early as possible</p>