Changing Majors as an Incoming Freshman

I have just accepted my undergrad offer at VT as a Bio major in the College of science! I am definitely wanting to switch to a clinical neuroscience major (in the same college) and was wondering if anyone had any insight on that process.

Sure - just work with the advisors to make sure your taking the correct classes your first semester. In December you will be able to change your major - there are no restrictions in the college of science that will make that any harder then just submitting the change.

Looking at the checksheets the freshman classes are pretty much identical (actually the whole currriculum is very similiar except some bio classes 2000 level and above are substituted for Neuro 2000 level and above classes). Looks like you just need to throw in Neur1004 freshman year.


Clinical Neuroscience

@cbl1 Thank you so much! This is so helpful I really appreciate it!