Clam fart! Oh my God... What did I do?!

<p>I think that is the first time I've actually ever Laughed out loud on these forums.</p>

When I asked myself, "What is the epitome of a Yale student?," I answered "Clam fart." I can only hope that you answer the same.


<p>That's gotta be the best part of it, lol. If nothing else, you certainly have stood out from the crowd. Don't do anything drastic; I'm sure the adcoms will be understanding.</p>

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<p>Oh gosh, please post whether you get in or not. I hope you do. If I were an admissions officer, I'd probably let you in just for that. xD</p>

<p>The only way I can see this hurting you is if they think that you're not taking things seriously. But I have a hard time picturing the person who wouldn't laugh anyway...</p>

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<p>lmao... don't worry SillBill, I'm sure you'll be fine. it doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal (but i guess that's easy for me to say ;))</p>

<p>Well, SillBill: I just came back to this post and found out the whole of what you had written. Sorry I doubted you earlier. Look, I don't think anyone here can exactly predict what will go through the head of an adcom member that reads that. Just remember one thing, though. They read a lot of very tiresome, self-important, too cute kinds of things. And even when they come across good things, they've already seen a lot. At the very least you will cause some laughing for the people who read it. They might speculate on it. They might even google it and find this thread. It seems that it will get you noticed if you haven't been by that point. Now beyond getting noticed what happens? Anybody's guess. If you're part of the bulge bracket of applicants to Yale that are merely tremendously outstanding as opposed god's gift to the school, standing out may on balance be a big advantage for you.</p>

<p>I think everybody here is cheering for you. If you get in you'd better post.</p>

<p>Maybe it'll turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. If there's any justice in the world, you'll be admitted and if you do, for godsake man, put a tattoo of a clam on your butt (or somewhere). And you know, f*** away too.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>HAHAHAHA I actually lol'ed.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'd call them up and tell them. They might even look positively on this mistake; it shows that you have a sense of humor, albeit a strange one...</p>

<p>Does it really matter that you have been participating in clam farting for 17 years? The real question is whether you have achieved anything in clam farting! Where are your clam farting leadership skills? :)</p>

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<p>ROFL xD This is definitely one of the few times I've ever lol'd...</p>

<p>Even though it's kind of funny reading it here, I probably would be pretty upset if I'd accidentally done that, too. I hope you got everything sorted out, and hey, in the future it'll be a funny story to tell :) good luck!</p>

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<p>hahaha...that's a big typo :P jk</p>

<p>This is definitely the first time I've lol'd at a CC post. But seriously, they aren't going to deny you for this. I can say that I truly believe your mistake is not going to hurt you in the slightest. At the very least, it will make an adcom laugh. Plus, "clam farting" has class!!! Even though I have no idea what it is, it doesn't sound distasteful really. Just random and interesting</p>

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<p>This is gonna wind up in a college admissions book somewhere, and we'll all know it was you. Just imagine sitting at Barnes and Noble flipping through a book on college apps and all of a sudden you read:</p>

<p>"What is the epitome of a Yale student?," I answered "Clam fart." I can only hope that you answer the same.</p>

<p>I would just die of laughter right then and there. Thank You for making my week, every time someone mentions college apps at school a chuckle 'cause I think of this.</p>

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I don't even know what a clam fart is!!!!!


that's the best part.</p>

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<p>I think it will separate you from all the other obnoxious drones that apply. Nice going.</p>

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<p>me agrees with some of them, leave it be. Chances are they'll speed read it and won't someone said, they'll probably perceive it as a 'calm frat'. Though 17 years is a killer :)</p>

<p>Plus they do need a laugh. Calling attention to that will just show it was a real mistake; leave it be and it might work in your favour. After all you can't be lying; there is no such thing as a clam fart that babies can do :D</p>

<p>Or at least I think so :).</p>

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<p>What can you gain from pulling out your application?</p>

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<p>this is awesome, perhaps the funniest thread i ever saw on CC</p>

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<p>hahahah ohhhh OP, I accidentally sent in one app with "coffee b*tch" as my job title at a prestigious production company... i feel ya. although yours is definitely more original</p>

<p>haha did u get accepted?</p>

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<p>If this works, I'm going to do something similar next year when I apply :)</p>