Class of 2016 Nursing Admissions!!

<p>Congratulations!!! BC is huge! I can’t tell my D, she’ll be insanely jealous… she didn’t apply as it would not only have been an academic reach, but a financial impossibility. Congratulations to you and D!! We are still waiting on UMass Amherst, though S got his admit with honors college (chem/ bio-chem) on Friday. D is a little worried…</p>

<p>D is waiting for U conn so I am wondering if the state schools are not getting out their nursing admits. I am sure they have lots of applicants, with it being more financially viable and great programs???</p>

<p>PS congrats to your son!!!</p>

<p>I’m from Massachusetts
Sat: 1260/1880
Gpa: 3.6 weighted (but continuously going up since soph year and senior year gpa is around a 4.0)
-2 APs + 1 honors class this year/4 years of same language
-xc captain
-summer lifeguard</p>

<p>-Accepted to UVM with $11,000 a year
-Accepted to Quinnipiac with $14,000 a year
-Deferred from Northeastern
-Accepted to UMass Amherst (with john and abigail adams scholarship) yesterday</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear from UConn, UNH, URI, Fairfield, & UMass Lowell</p>

<p>Congratualtions Sarah!
Looks like 5 teens daughter will be haring soon!</p>

<p>Thank you so much! And yeah she should be hearing within the next week im guessing!!</p>

<p>Ugh I am getting so annoyed with my keyboard. I really am not illiterate. Keep us updated on how it is going!</p>

<p>Yes, waiting, waiting… Though so much easier with 1st choice and financial safety (tuition voucher brings our OOS tuition/fees down to 1/2 instate tuition!!) UNH in the back pocket…</p>

<p>downtoearth - your D must be over the moon! Such a big week! Is she leaning in one direction?</p>

<p>accepted to umass amherst and catholic university of america for nursing!!!</p>

<p>Congrats WBAN
My daughter is very excited. She is refusing to get into all the craziness of the admissions so she plays it close to the vest. she does not have a preference just yet, is waiting to see where the results go.</p>

<p>I got deferred from Villanova and penn state is one of my top choices I’ve been waiting to hear from them has anyone else got accepted to penn state university park nursing? And is anyone applying to umbc?</p>

<p>A significant # of Villanova Nursing applicants get deferred,you are not alone…D1 was and was accepted RD…best of luck</p>

<p>My daughter got accepted to villanova today. that is good news for the deffered applicants.</p>

<p>the two schools that i like the best are umass amherst and fairfield. i got into both, which has a better nursing program?</p>

<p>I dont know to compare. I went to U mass Lowell and it was excellent. U mass is hard to get into because it is an excellent program and lower cost. you wont go wrong with it. However, I dont know anything about Fairfield, although we were just talking aobut it today and thinking d should have applied.</p>

<p>D Pocketsized in at BC as well, but will most likely attend Case. Glad to see more info being posted for future nursing applicants. It was not easy to tease it out.</p>

<p>FYI about Villanova, as of last year, if you accepted an offer of admission relatively early, you got a double room. If you waited until April or later to accept admission, you got stuck in a triple room that was converted from a double, or a lounge that was converted into a quadruple.</p>

<p>Good luck to all you Nursing candidates, my D graduated in 2009 from JMU, passed the NCLEX and recived three job offers, has worked in DC as a critical care nurse for the past 2 years and was just accepted to grad school for Nurse Anesthetist. She loves her work and looks forward to going to graduate school. You all have alot to look forward to, again good luck !!</p>

<p>Charlieschm is correct, if you plan to go to Nova,deposit asap…D1 was fortunate to get a double,but many friends were in triples…</p>

<p>how hard wwould it be to doublr major and nursing and public health and nursing at umass amherst?
alot of courses could satisfy both requirements and i think knowledge of the two is essential in making this world a healthier place. im a hard worker but would even doing this be too much?</p>