Class of 2017 - Accepted and excited!

<p>My daughter is joining the class of 2017! We are super excited! I guess I just wanted to start a thread since the May 1 date is coming soon to see how many CC's have accepted.
We have confirmed orientation, submitted housing and cant wait for the year ahead!</p>

<p>@GCMom415 - My son is all set as well. He has accepted, and will be joining the Physics program. He signed up for the June 24-25 Orientation as part of the Edgar Fellows program. As part of that, he has signed up for the Dante House in Wayne. If you are looking for some better prices on Geneseo stuff, check out the Geneseo Store on Main St. [The</a> Geneseo Store - Supplier of SUNY Geneseo Apparel and Gear](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Congrats on the Edgar Fellows!! I hear they have a nice group in Dante/Wayne. Her orientation is July 8-9. I will definitely head to The Geneseo Store while we are up there to buy some things. We are flying up for orientation then I fly back after move in day. I am trying to book all flights while they are still cheap. Even for Thanksgiving!
She’s been meeting some girls from the Geneseo group. She met a room mate and she’s excited! There are some nice girls from Long Island she may see this weekend. They all wanna share the excitement so I guess its good. They will have alot of chances to meet people at orientation and when they get there. Will be an exciting year!</p>

<p>Looking at the 2017 Facebook Group, it looks like there are a lot of students from Long Island attending. She should feel like it’s a home away from home!</p>

<p>Most parents I met during the preview day seemed to be from upstate. I was a little surprised to see so many from Long Island. I think only 2 from her high school are going. Do you happen to know how long we have to accept the financial aid award? I was looking at it online last night.</p>

<p>I think you should accept sooner than later - from their financial aid website:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>While we ask that you accept and/or decline your financial aid, is DOES NOT commit you to attending SUNY Geneseo. It allows our office to reserve funds should you decide to attend SUNY Geneseo.</p>

<p>JEDad2013- our son will be joining the Physics program. He was also accepted to the Edgar Fellows group, and will also do the June 24th orientation. I’m sure they’ll meet each other then. Who knows, maybe they’ll end up room mates!</p>

<p>I know that on the 2017 Facebook group, he’s contacted other students who are Physics majors and who are also Edgar Fellows awardees. One even had the same first name, Joshua. I’m sure our sons will meet at Orientation. They just won’t know who each other is!</p>