Class of 2019 - Admission Status

Regarding @‌kvnzhangyay 's stats and Blinn offer, and others like him/her –

I am a complete nobody and have no connection to college admissions, so take what I am about to say with a grain of salt. … But, I have read a lot about college admissions, in general, and I have read a lot of CC posts over the years, and I just wonder if a high standardized test score combined with a less than stellar GPA may actually hurt students a bit in college admissions.

A 2300 SAT and a 3.6 GPA may look like under-achieving. A student with that combination may appear to be less ready for college in terms of initiative, self-discipline, drive, etc. A 2300 is a super high score. Generally, a student who is able to achieve a score like that is also able to earn a 4.0 and graduate towards the top of his or her class. If the student didn’t do so, college admissions may wonder why.

All colleges – ALL colleges – want to place students who will be successful at their school (as well as in life after they graduate). And a combination of stellar test scores with a less than stellar gpa and/or class rank may demonstrate a lack of college readiness. That student becomes an unknown. Will the student be successful in college? Maybe – high test scores. But maybe not – lower than expected gpa.

In the case of A&M, Blinn Team may seem like the best fit for a student with those kinds of stats, because Blinn can serve as a proving ground. It’s not that a student with that combination is being “punished” with a Blinn Team acceptance, but rather that admissions has decided that Blinn Team will provide the greatest chance of success for that student, and that opportunity to succeed will serve not only the college, but also the individual student. When looked at in that way, a Blinn offer is kind of a vote of confidence. The alternative would be a rejection.

Blinn Team can be a good thing and serves many students well. But I do understand any disappointment a student may initially feel when declined a full admission.

(I can think of at least one other explanation as to why a standardized test score may be uncharacteristically high compared to other stats, but I think and hope that those cases are few and far between. Either way, the student may be thought of as a gamble.)

My best to all! :slight_smile:

I was accepted via automatic admission back in October. 60/738. College of Science, Physics major.

Any international engineering applicant (applied end november) got their decision yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

Engineering was decided about a month ago, you should hear back for normal admission this week?

I haven’t hear back yet… it’s sunday afternoon… here’s my stats again: SAT (570,750,600) GPA: 4.05 I applied for mechanical engineering major. Second major is physics. Is there anyone who hasn’t heard back yet?.. I am super worried…

You didn’t get into engineering, you would have heard back about a month ago. I had applied for engineering aswell but didn’t get into the COE, I recieved an offer for full admission on Thursday and had to change my major. I heard that there might be some decisions tomorrow but 99% were already sent.

Check your howdy page, go to the applicant tab and the middle collumn should have a link called “manage applications” click that and check to see what major you have. If its Blinn TEAM then you got blinn, if its physics then you got full admission, if its still Mechanical engineering then nothing has been done.

@BlakeGrhymes‌ it still says mechanical engineering. Do you think there is a chance that i got rejected? I mean, I don’t think my stats’s that bad…

@iliveinmumbai‌ I am an international engineering applicant. I haven’t heard back yet. What about you?

@amyshengting‌ I haven’t heard back either…
Even my 'manage application ’ says computer engineering… (the major I applied to)

Just wait, if you didn’t get a decision you’ll most likely see it today or tomorrow.

@BlakeGrhymes‌ are you sure? Were you accepted too?

International students should hear back by march 1, that’s what an admissions officer told me

@iliveinmumbai‌ I just called an admission counselor. She said she would tell me if the decision has been made but she can’t tell me what the decision is. After she checked, she said my app is still under review and not all the international students’ decisions are made. So I think my app is actually under review. If I am rejected, she would just tell me that the decision has been made.

Can someone chance me here? I am getting super nervous because my app is still under review.
Gender: female
Major: Mechanical engineering, second major is physics
two APs in Junior year, 3 APs in senior year.
international student.
100+ community service hours.
Volleyball +track
Please chance me someone?? I am super worried now

yall, i got PSA… i have no idea what that means in terms of what they saw on my application that made them think of that, and i also dont know if psa is better/at the same standing as blinn, but either way i wouldn’t have accepted either offers.

And if y’all were wondering, theres no waitlist. i had to call them and ask.

And if I didn’t get into a&m, im basically ruling out the remaining 2 colleges in hopes for acceptances. Oh, well, I’m fine going to UH! and if i dont like it, i’ll try my hardest to transfer somewhere! if you’re feeling down about acceptances of whatever remember everything will end up being OK in the end :slight_smile:

I was accepted, but not for engineering. The engineering decisions went out over a month ago, if your major is still computer engineering then its most likely you did not get accepted. Just wait for your AIS to update.

I am an international mechanical engineering applicant. I still haven’t hear back from the school yet. It still says it is under review. Am I rejected?

Was told that international students should hear back by March 1st.

@BlakeGrhymes Thank you so much! That’s a release!

My boyfriend was admitted via BlinnTEAM sometime during the last two days of decisions. He had outstanding test scores (35 ACT w/ a 36 on science, 35 on math, 34 on reading and 33 on english and 2110 SAT w/ 740M, 670R, &700W) and resume, but his mid-range 3rd quarter class rank was what kept him from receiving full admission.