Class of 2020- Admission Status

just curious what my D chances are under review she has a 3.76 gpa class rank of top 18% her act was 26 and sat 1790 (cr 620 math 580) she has a lot of community service and leadership in several clubs including being editor of the school newspaper. The wait is so stressful she applied August 3rd.

@sdag1994 would love to know too! My D’s test stats are similar to yours but her class rank is 2% and GPA is 3.97 unweighted. I’m hoping we don’t have to wait until March to hear! Good luck to you and if you do hear anything, please post and I will do the same. I don’t think any review admits have heard and typically only very few hear before Dec 1st. This is based on what I’ve read so don’t know how true it is.

Hi there. I am asking this for my cousin who is just now going to apply for engineering at A&M. His scores are not the great so we know he is not going to be accepted. But I was wondering how hard it is to get offered Blinn Team or Gateway? I attended a seminar and they said that everyone typically receives some form of pathway for acceptance. Is this true?

@crazierussia There is also PSA which is like UT CAP. I am not sure I have ever seen information on who gets Blinn versus PSA.

The ‘pathway’ they are referring to is most likely PSA, many applicants get that offer. Blinn Team is the almost admitted list (think of it like a waitlist since A&M doesn’t have wait lists) and Gateway is for students that are basically qualified, but they’re not sure about their transition to college ( there are very few of these offered - basically full admission if you successfully complete summer school). Review candidate breakdown from class of 2018:

13% Full admission
19% Blinn Team
3% Gateway
42% offered PSA ( 38% qualified)
23% no offer of admission ( 27% after PSA non-qualifiers added)

My son has a 3.85 GPA unweighted, 4.11 weighted, and is top 25.85% of his class at a super competitive high school in greater Houston. He has a 1320 SAT (650 CR + 670M), great essays, and good extracurriculars. So he was very close to being an academic admit – we were heartbroken that he missed the class rank by so little. He applied in Sept. 25 (Business and Liberal Arts) and is now in review. A&M is his top choice but we’re not looking forward to a grueling long wait as a review candidate, especially because all of the good housing apparently gets filled up quickly. The waiting really is the hardest part! He will have some other great options and is likely to accept one of those, rather than wait until Feb/March to hear from TAMU. So what do you think his chances are, and when is the earliest he might possibly hear?

From what I have heard, review admits that are extremely close to auto/academic sometimes hear around the same time as them. Im not 100 percent on that though. But if A&M is his top choice then why not wait? College isnt going anywhere.

Really only because he’s also applying to some great programs at other schools, and housing is going to be an issue for him. He has some specific housing needs due to a medical issue.

@texashsmom Gosh, that is heartbreaking that he was so darn close. I thought my D was close by having a 1240 instead of 1300 on SAT. We are out of state so her being in top 2% of class doesn’t help for auto admits. I hope we both hear early! The funny thing is we are close to CU Boulder where so many out of state kids try to come to because of it’s location but she loves Texas. At least her safety school isn’t too terrible

My son also wants to apply to Boulder! (We haven’t yet, though, and I prefer for him to stay in-state.)

When did you apply? 10/2
When did you get your UIN? 10/5
When did you receive your admission decision? Haven’t yet.
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Auto admit.
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in? College of Science–Physics. Umm…haven’t yet gotten a decision.
Honors program? Maybe. Hopefully.
SAT taken Oct
Top 2% (well, 1.4%, but who’s counting?)
ACT to be taken this month
3.856 UW/102 W GPA

@texashsmom The housing list is formed but actual rooms are not assigned until after the May 1st, the national deadline for acceptance. If he has a medical need, you can contact housing and ask what are your best options to accommodate that need.
Admissions always has advised students to have a back up plan if you are a review admit, so it’s great that he has more than one option available. Hopefully he will get a positive reply, his chances seem good based on your listing. Hang in there, many colleges do not reply to their applicants until spring. Keep in mind those hearing early are almost exclusively automatic admits (very very few review admits) most reviews hear after Dec 1st. You can also check to make sure his position/rank within the school has not changed when you’re that close - adding/subtracting) another to the class (transfer in/out) could make a difference (depending on school size). I’ve heard they tend to round down, so you never know- good luck!

@AGmomx2 … Thank you for your post – I appreciate your ideas & positivity! Fingers crossed!

@CollegeMama987 … and thank you for your post too! :slight_smile:

When did you apply? 10/4
When did you get your UIN? 10/5
When did you receive your admission decision? 10/13.
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Academic admit.
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in? Mays Business School Yes.
Honors program? Business Honors, no decision yet.
SAT 2280
Rank top 25%
ACT 34

Question since some of you all have already submitted all of your stuff: how long did it take for you all to have the status changed from “received” to “received and completed” (AKA, the green check mark)?

It took me only a couple of days for everything except my transcript. My transcript took several weeks. However I am a homeschooler so that might’ve had something to do with it.

When did you apply? 9/23
When did you get your UIN? 9/25
When did you receive your admission decision? 10/20 (transcript mailing took a while)
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Automatic Admit
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in? Mays Business. Admitted.
Honors program? Maybe, I haven’t filled out the application yet.
SAT: didn’t send
Top 9% (76/809)
ACT: 32
3.51 UW/4.67 W GPA

@XoXdreamerXoX - I think it was 3 or 4 days from received to received and completed if I remember right.

When did you apply? 8/8
When did you get your UIN? had to call…they sent letter 8/17 but email did not come with UIN.
When did you receive your admission decision? 9/17
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Academics
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in? General Engineering (computer science)
Honors program? He filled it out with the essays and submitted it in September.

Top 25%
ACT: 33
3.45 UW/4.25 W GPA