Class of 2020- Admission Status

what do you mean by class rank, can you explain??

if you applied for a specific engineering major, what does it mean when it changes to general engineering in AIS?

@ptrckrggs class rank is your status compared to other students in your year group at your school based on weighted GPA, it is given by the school. If your school doesn’t rank, TAMU will assign you a quartile rank (1st, 2nd, etc.) based on a school profile filled out by your school and your transcript. 1st quartile rank is needed for automatic admit consideration (top 25% + scores).

@agmomx2 My very small private high school doesn’t rank either. TAM placed their own ranking on my admission of 2nd Quarter. My ACT score is a 27, GPA 3.22, tons of ASB Leadership, Varsity volleyball 4 years, etc. Applied under Ag Communications. I have no clue if this is a tough major for admittance or not. I applied on 11/16 with all of my documents being recorded as received the same day. I haven’t heard. Is this a tough major for applicants to be accepted? I’m out of state in California. There are currently 4 people from my 265 student high school at A&M. Don’t know if that makes a difference or not but they have had success with our students…your thoughts are greatly appreciated! You seem to know what you’re talking about! :wink:


Not true, at least insofar as my son was concerned - he was admitted to the engg college with even the major of his choice mentioned as preference.

@osmdad If you read the Texas A & M website, you’ll see that auto-admits are guaranteed admission but not necessarily the major of their choice. This would explain why some review candidates may be admitted into engineering but some auto admits are not. I understand that your son was admitted into engineering but that was not guaranteed just because he was an auto admit. Hope that makes sense and congrats to both of you!

To clarify, as long as the major is open, auto-admits will be given their first choice. Engineering is unique, in that after 75% of the slots are full, the remaining slots go into review by the engineering department itself (last year it was 85% and I believe this year it’s 75%). If an auto-admit applies and 75% of the slots are full, then they are holistically reviewed for engineering along with the review admits for the remaining 25%.

@inspiration12 so it went from 85 to 75%? Meaning an OOS, non-auto admit with the same score would have a better chance this year (at 75%) than last year (85%)?

@GustafAngus - The new way of admitting does make it more competitive for auto admits who are a part of that holistic pool, I would say.

@CollegeMama987 FWIW, my S received his admissions to engineering on 11/6, which was a Friday.

Well, I was trying to reply and edit my post but I ran out of allotted time. Here is what I was trying to say.

@GustafAngus FWIW, my S received his admissions to General Engineering with preference mentioned, (Mechanical) on 11/6, which was a Friday. He is an academic admit. Applied mid October.

@madsouza16 I don’t know how the oos applicants are screened, but my instate D applied to TAMU agcomm last year and was not an auto or academic admit, had a 1790 SAT top 12% of class and was accepted in ag comm & journalism (AGCI) but chose Ok State instead for the smaller atmosphere.
Good Luck

@Thelma2 mind sharing your son’s ACT/SAT Scores? He probably had them higher than mine :slight_smile:

@GustafAngus He did not take the ACT. His SAT was 2210 (National Merit Commended) with at 1430 composite score. He also has taken several PLTW (project lead the way) classes ○ Gateway to Technology ○ Introduction to Engineering Design ○ Principles of Engineering.

You are admitted to the university first, then your major preference is considered. IF your 1st choice major has availability, you will get it on a rolling basis. If it is full, they move to your 2nd choice, if that is also full they will ask you to pick another major that is open. Major only matters as far as open slots, you do not compete with others for your major (exception is the last few slots of engineering). So, the answer to your question is major will not affect your university acceptance.

If you are an automatic acceptance applicant, you will get acceptance to the university even if your majors are full. IF you are a review applicant, they base acceptance on your whole file - 50% is rank & scores, 50% everything else in your whole file ( essay, EC, interest shown, recommendations if submitted, etc.).

It is extremely competitive to get full acceptance as a review candidate, over 85% of the incoming freshman class are automatic admits so there aren’t that many slots left. If you don’t have a recommendation letter submitted, I believe you still have a couple of days to quickly submit one or two (check the date online). IF you don’t agree with your rank, ask your counselor to contact A&M on your behalf ASAP. If you have additional items that didn’t fit on your application, you can submit a resume. Just be sure to either use this form or put your UIN on each document you submit. Responses for review candidates normally begin after all applicants have applied (there are a few exceptions) and continue through March. The data online about TAMU acceptance is very deceptive IMO due to the automatic admission policies & inclusion of partial acceptance (Blinn Team) it skews the data, full admission is very competitive for review candidates. Good luck!

@AGmomx2 So for example, my school doesnt rank, but if I am unhappy with my rank, my counselor can still contact them?

Yes, but your best bet is to talk to your counselor first - make sure that you are mis-categorized. They should have access to other student’s GPA’s at your school. It really is about numbers. You will not be put at a higher rank due to being at a more ‘competitive school’, but if within your school you would be in top 25% (if they ranked) then ask them to pursue it for you. You pursuing won’t really work since you have no access to actual GPA’s of fellow students at your school.

@AGmomx2 Thanks for all your info…it is so helpful!

Thanks @CollegeMama987

Actually, son is a review admit

Do OOS students start to receive decisions? I thought it should be released in March.
If so, if I complete my application last week, when will I receive my decision?

Thanks a lot

Another question,
How do they actually assign class rank for those whose school doesn’t rank?
I am an international student and I sent in my transcripts with class rank (around 40%) two weeks ago.
However, after I contacted them for not processing my transcripts, they ended up telling me that I did not have class rank in the document and assigning me 1st quarter (after the “class rank” in the list) Am I really considered 1st Quarter?
