Class of 2020- Admission Status

Has anyone heard back from engineering review today?

Not yet

@ccook25 Did you apply for engineering?
I applied Aug 1st too and I’m an engineering review and I am going crazy!!

@GustafAngus OH MY GOD! I am so nervous! Thanks for this info :))))

@abcd55985dhd yes. My first major choice was biomedical engineering and my second was biomedical sciences. I’m still waiting for the acceptance to the university, then I’ll worry about getting into engineering.

@jarededberg I haven’t. @ccook25 did you?

Please ignore my last comment, I was looking at page 24 and thought the last question was “did anyone hear from engineering today” haha sorry!

Hope all those waiting eagerly for their admission decisions get positive decisions soon. In the meanwhile, does anyone know when the International Student Financial Aid Application (ISFAA) for 2016-2017 intl students be available?

Purdue has a FB group for parents of Purdue admitted students. Several Purdue staff members are also part of the group, so a lot of parents have their questions answered v.quickly. Is there any such group for parents of TAMU admitted students?

Texas A & M recieved DD’s documentation Nov. 20th, her school does not rank, so we have been waiting on them to do her class rank…called admissions on Tuesday, Jan. 5 and they had JUST processed her documentation!! So now they say she MIGHT have her class rank in a few weeks!!! In the meantime they are filling up the spots for engineering (which Chemical Eng. is her major), and she still has not even been ranked to be accepted into the university! I know they are extermly busy and have thousands of applications that probably need to be ranked, but it’s very frustrating for these kids that worked so hard and diligently to get everything in on time then to basically be put on hold because of class rank!

Ok that’s my rant!

@Chinamom2 Is your daughter an auto-admit if she ends up being ranked in the top 25%? I understand your frustration but you have to keep in mind that Texas A&M started accepting applications August 1st. I’m guessing many students procrastinate and wait until the last minute to apply so admissions is swamped especially considering break at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

To anyone who is concerned about engineering review, I had a great conversation with Nina from admissions today and I have a couple things to share. First off Most engineering review applications should be reviewed by next Friday the 15th. They will send out applications on Thursday the 14th. All responses are sent out on Thursdays in general so if you do not hear back next week you should look the following week on Thursday. Also AIS is updated nightly so it will not change throughout the day. They usually update around 12 PT. So even though they send out responses on Thursday you really will not know until Friday Morning. Ok that’s all. Just wanted to put that out there for anyone who is as stressed out as I am about this fun stuff. Good luck y’all. 7 days!!!

@jarededberg Thanks for that info! Next week’s gonna be stressfull aswell I see…

@jarededberg does engineering review mean that you are already accepted into the university and waiting for acceptance into engineering? Because I haven’t been admitted yet and my first major choice is biomedical engineering.

@ccook25 Yes unfortunately it does mean you need to be accepted into the university first. As you have not been admitted yet I presume you are a review admit into the university based on some of your previous posts. That is really annoying as you may be admitted after all of the engineering spots are filled. They fill up engineering for the auto-admits up to 85% and then everyone else is placed into engineering review. I believe they admit somewhere between ~400-500 in the engineering review process. This is completed before February so if you are not admitted by then there is a chance you would not have an opportunity to be in engineering as a freshman. You can always transfer from another major but I’ve heard that is difficult and a real pain at A&M. Good luck on the admission and engineering review though!

@jarededberg ok that what I thought. Thanks for the help. It definitely a pain that I applied in August and still yet to hear back. University of Central Florida has close to the same number of applicants if not more and got back to me in a week. And they don’t have auto admits because everyone that applies goes through a review process. As much as I love A&M their admission processes has been extremely stressful and slow.

@ccook25 Let’s just hope we get into A&M this week before the 15th!

@ccook25 Honestly nothing is more frustrating. A&M is notorious for slow admissions processes. Especially considering the majority of their admissions is done by a computer…

@jarededberg Could sending an email to the admissions office and asking if I’ll hear soon hurt me? As in could it make me look whiny?

@jarededberg tell me about it. I applied August 1st and got all my paper work done by mid September (there was complications with my transcript at my school). The only reason I’m not an academic admit is my test scores. I’m top 15% at my school but my act and sat are lack luster. After admissions I’ll be hoping for scholarship money because I’m out of state and need the $1000 to get the instate waiver. And the longer is takes more delayed I am to applying for housing. I just don’t see why they don’t start reviewing applications as they come in