Class of 2020- Admission Status

You can make changes until May 1. They don’t start sending out dorm assignments until early summer if I remember correctly.

I applied mid November, but there still aren’t any changes on AIS… Both my majors are Engineering and I haven’t been put into engineering review. Does that mean I’m going to get rejected?
I’m an international student, 2070 SAT, class rank top 25%

What admissions told me is if you have both majors as engineering and you are admitted prior to processing of engineering review (maybe now waiting until end of January / first week of February?) then you will be considered for main campus COE through engineering review. If they decide to admit you later, you could be offered Blinn Engineering or admitted to main campus with a requirement to change your major. The delay for those admitted many months ago but after the first come first serve 85% ( or perhaps this year 75%) is they are considering all admits with engineering majors that were not in the 1st 75% of COE capacity. You have a shot whether admitted in November or this week. Good luck to all.

All three years, the process has been the same - everyone past a certain point of rolling admissions in Engineering ends up in Engineering Review. They wait until the pool is complete ( by a certain date) then send out responses. It will go in waves - the YES you’re in & the you’re in the lower group BTE, and then a pause while they figure out the middle but it is pretty quick once they start. They do wait for the whole group they are going to evaluate, you never know who applied at the last minute that might shake up the order. If you don’t make engineering review by the time you hear people getting responses, then you have missed the window. Your choices will just be pick another major like other admits whose majors are full. They continue to admit to the university after this point, so if you’re not in engineering - don’t feel like once that group gets decisions that the whole university is full, it isn’t. Same is true when people start getting Blinn Team, there are still a few full admits available-not many, but some.

@hoping4admit @AGmomx2 Thanks for the info :slight_smile:
I guess I’ll just have to wait and hope for the best.

In AIS, my class rank only says 8/53, it does not list or say 1st Quarter anywhere. It is also listed as the 6th item (of 8 listed) in the documents required for admission table. I also have a college transcript listed from dual credit courses which is under additional items, which I was told was REQUIRED prior to be admitting, although it is listed under the prior to enrollment section. Luckily, an advisor in my major noticed I needed to send it and emailed to alert me of the missing document. I called the advisor to discuss this because in all my notes/handouts and listed on A&M’s website, it said only IF admitted. He said it was required and I needed to submit it so my file would be complete. AIS stated my application was complete and in review, same thing it still says today. I assume the departments receive lists of applicants otherwise I don’t know how they would ever see I was missing a document. It is a small department, so maybe they do look through review applicants?

Did anyone else submit their college transcript and do they use it in review decisions? I checked my transcript and I have a 3.9 for 21 credit hours, so I am hoping they do review the transcript.

@VV2016 If you have college credits, are you a Transfer…?

@osmdad - I am a graduating senior, which qualifies me as a freshman admit. Our high school does not offer AP courses, they offer dual credit classes. We can take classes at the college in place of the high school class - English, History, Government, Economics, Math, Speech, Foreign Languages, etc. By graduation, I will have 27 credit hours to transfer. The 27 hours would apply to a Blinn Team requirement. Although, due to my major, Blinn Team isn’t a great option for me. I will already have most of my basics and according to A&M, I will have no access to courses in my major as part of Blinn Team for freshman or sophomore year. I would definitely need to work with an advisor to see how Blinn Team would work, if selected.

Admissions told me that if you are a freshman applicant with dual credit (or AP) they do not really consider it until after you are admitted (NSC to plan what to take), but they will be aware of it if you listed in your senior course schedule, answered the college hours you will have by HS graduation question, or if you referred to it in an essay. My dual credit college transcript shows in the documents required before admission section for TAMU CS but was in the required document section for TAMUG. Either way, if admitted, you have to send a final one later with all of the courses and grades.

Sorry… I meant documents before enrollment section for TAMU CS, required for TAMUG

@hoping4admit - I am not sure why the advisor insisted I have the transcript sent to complete my file. After I received the email, I called him and he checked my account and said yes, it shows you need it for your application to be complete. I sent him a screen shot of my view and said my application already says complete. It just seemed to go against everything I read about it. The college was great about sending it and it arrived two days later, the advisor emailed and said it showed me as complete on his end. I thought it was odd that an advisor in the department would even reach out to people about what was missing in their application file. I guess it is a small department, so I am thankful he saw it. (if I did actually need it?!)

I think it is a good sign that the department cares. No matter how many times admissions says major does not matter, and that the departments have zero say in admissions, there are people who think it helped. I know of a student who during his freshman year was told that he had been on the Blinn list and without really saying implied that their vote bumped him to full time admit. Hopefully they are looking out for you and maybe something similar will happen due to your many college credits.

@vv2016 That is fine if your class rank has a number. As long as there is something there!

@CollegeMama987- Thanks, I was starting to wonder why mine didn’t have a quarter next to it when everyone else seemed to.

so my AIS says 1st quarter. Now does that mean i’m at the bottom 25% or the top 25%

@proudamerican Top 25%

@CollegeMama987 well thank you, that makes me feel a little bit better, what do you think my overall chances are now

@proudamerican Based on what a TAMU admissions representative on a different thread said last year, top quarter 1280 M+CR was likely some kind of admission (full or Blinn) He mentioned students that close to automatic not getting in by sending bad essays or blank activities. Based on what he said, I would think your chances are good.

@proudamerican I have to agree with what @hoping4admit said. My daughter’s SAT’s where a bit lower than yours, but her class rank was very high (top 2%). Good luck!

@hoping4admit I have a 1260 SAT and a 28 ACT, but a second quarter rank. That’s what’s killing me right? I wrote all 3 essays, many ECs, 3 excellent recommendations and applied Aug 28th. I was hoping to atleast get into A&M by now. i have a 33 on my ACT math which is what I was hoping was gonna get me into engineering at Dwight. But now I’m losing hope.