Class of 2020- Admission Status

So did anyone get Gateway for engineering lately? And who usually gets Gatway, anyway?

Finally got accepted today!

@hoping4admit I still have only two tabs on Howdy :expressionless:

@hoping4admit when you said that GPA is only considered if you attend a school that doesn’t rank do you mean that since I attend a In state Public High School and am 119/684 that they will pay attention to my rank and not my GPA?

And Congrats! @elysium305

@elysium305 Congrats! I was hoping good news was coming for you. I still have 2 tabs in Howdy too.

@mattexas That is what I was told by an admissions person and I also read on TexAgs thread that had an official of admissions on it. If you are ranked they do not look at GPA - too hard to compare they say, & if not ranked, they use GPA along with grade scale to put in Q and then don’t look at any more. They only use actual rank or generated rank & no looking at what you took. If your APs didn’t help your rank, it doesn’t help your ap.

@GustafAngus I don’t know if they use Gateway for Engr because you lose your major and have get admitted by change of curriculum. I would think after full to Engr, Blinn Engr (better than Blinn Team) might be better. But maybe they have a way to get to Engineering from Gateway. I only know a few people in the past that had Gateway and none were Engr

@hoping4admit thanks for the clarification.

Finally admitted to Computer Science (Dwight Look College of Engineering).

I haven’t called in about a month, so I’m gonna call today to see where my application’s at.

And @elysium305 @blaugrana9 congrats!

Does anyone know the timetable for Blinn TEAM offers?

Congrats to all who’ve finally received their acceptances!

I’ve noticed here and on other college threads that lots of people call admissions about their decision status. I’m wondering if this is helpful or irritating to the office. I’ve been wanting to call about my status, but wasn’t sure if I should bother them about it. Does anyone have any input about what they’ve gained from calling? I’m SO tired of waiting!! I’m set to fly out to TX to visit A&M and UT this month, and it would be great to know my status (other than “in review”) when I arrive!

@niccidoe I have the same question basically lol.

When I called about a month ago, I got a very friendly and helpful response. My first question was about turning my unranked GPA into an assigned 2nd quarter. I gave them my UIN and they confirmed that their calculation really said 2nd Q and confirmed that the A&M calculation really gives them a number or a range of numbers (I was a little shy of asking for much info but more than just 26-49%) They said they were on track and hopeful of all decisions by “mid-Feb.” The second time I called about a week ago, was when I saw my major changed and still in review. They confirmed I was admitted. I think as long as you have a real question beyond I am dying waiting, they will try to help you out. If you see your AIS or Howdy change but not admit, they can tell you what your status is. I tried to be fast and to the point, & could quickly give them my UIN. I think starting with “I am planning to fly to Texas” would be a good reason to give them a shot. I do not think it will hurt you.

Online chat is very generic… not much help there.

@niccidoe @GustafAngus my daughter just called to check on her status and they told her they couldn’t tell anyone anything , but hope to have all decisions out by February 14th. I hope this helps. The waiting is the hardest part!

@MJS0407 really? By feb 14th? Oh wow, this gonna be a hell of a ride. On feb 15th I hear from Clemson, now this… It could happen any day basically! Well, here comes the head-pounding stress :smiley:

@mattexas According to the TexAgs thread last year, Blinn TEAM (not sure if Engr at Blinn) was mostly in the second week of February / Valentines Day. Some say they got full admits in March last year ( some have guessed they were on the Blinn / Full bubble). I have read that many rejections were on the night of Friday February 13, 2015. I was told by a live human that this year they were hoping to have most all decisions by middle of February so I am guessing similar to last year.

Thanks to all of you! That information helps a lot. If decisions are truly out this week and next, then I may refrain from calling until I arrive on the 11th. Just before I meet with the tour guide and advisor, I’ll check AIS and if I’m STILL in review, I will call at that point! I’m visiting UT, but not excited too much because they don’t have the program that A&M has. I’m visiting SEU as well (was accepted to UT and SEU) and although it has my major, I’m not sold on it yet because its campus is so small (also, I’m not getting the vibe from others that it’s a great school — I realize I’m 2,000 miles away but…).

@hoping4admit you the man. I’d actually be very happy with Blinn Team, I guess I’ll know soon.

@hoping4admit thanks for the info, but say I will get notified about admittance by the 15th, I will still be put in the engineering review, correct? Or are they now releasing both the A&M decision and the engineering decision at the same time?

@GustafAngus Just a guess. Last year I think it was all jumbled up at the end. For most people completely decided by 14th., but all kinds of loose ends for a few people.

@niccidoe if you meet with your advisor, maybe ask them if they can check?