Class of 2020- Admission Status

@niccidoe I live in the Dallas area and it wouldn’t even be close to the same experience. My daughter wouldn’t even consider SMU because of where it’s located.

@nhoff22 last week I called our local admissions office and she told me that they are doing full admissions in all of the schools right now. Engineering and business fill up first, but the wait is due to the auto admits waiting until last minute to apply. They are trying to weed through them to see how many spots are left.

The waiting is extremely difficult! My daughter has applied to Liberal Arts and it’s killing her, but we are holding out hope. When I spoke with them last week, they said that they will offer Blinn Team and PSA closer to the middle of March. She said they will send out the majority of them together. My daughter falls right on the edge. She is 25.7%, 1180 CR+M, 28 ACT, 3.7 GPA, and a 3 year graduate. Involved in lots of ec’s with tons of leadership. Praying for you all!!! Don’t give up…its just a waiting process! I think a lot of timeframes get mixed up because of so many different people and I believe some are just saying what they have heard and not what is actually factual. The lady last week said mid March and gave me a ton of information. I hope this helps and I can’t wait to hear whose status changes tonight for the better :slight_smile:

So can someone please chance me for admission, whether it is Psa, Blinn, or full?
applied 10/14
ACT 28
class rank is 30.12%
major is nutrition
GPA 3.9

@elysium305 if you don’t mind me asking, what was your gpa/class rank, what major did you get into, and when did you apply?

Last year, TexAgs site run by an OFFICIAL A&M admissions employee said most admissions were planned for mid Feb, though callers were mostly told March. Last year, most decisions were by mid Feb, but some were later. If you read through the posts especially TAMUAdmissions it seems very similar to what is happening now. bottom page 27 Lots of good info on the review process.

@KPWolf I have the exact same Test Scores as you! I’m top 17.4% in my class, but I feel like we’re both Blinn TEAM bound at this point to be honest.

@MJ5670 My status changed between 2 and 3 am CST on a Wed morning.

@heeyitsshae I’m an international student. My school doesn’t rank or give a GPA, but based on my grades, I was put into the first quarter. My 1st and 2nd choice majors were both engineering (Mech and Elec). I applied 22nd November. I got into the college of Engineering. My major is General Engineering (Mechanical).

Good luck guys! I have a feeling you’ll all get in :slight_smile:

Anyone got in today?

Are all engineering admissions format “General Engineering (Major)” or are some admitted directly to their Major?

No change. Still waiting…

Same here, no change. Aww…

@elysium305 you are an international student?. Are you hoping for any scholarship? What are your stats?

@MadMoose All freshman admissions to engineering are General Engineering with preferred major. You enter major later, so I doubt any will show with a major, just a preference like @elysium305

@pk2608 Yup international student. 1380 SAT, First quarter, wrote 3 essays, no letters of recommendation sent.
Not expecting a scholarship, but I filled out the form while applying.
Are you an international student too?

Do engineering students go through the same stuff as others when getting admission decision solely for A&M? I’m asking because many people with lower scores than some of the people still waiting here (no offense, just looking at it from a objective standpoint) got in. What’s holding us back at this point anyway?

@GustafAngus From what I’ve read, engineering students are being reviewed holistically for the 25% of space left. So they won’t just be looking at your scores. They’ll be looking at everything else too- extracurriculars, essays, etc.

@GustafAngus They state that you are admitted to the university first and then to engineering, so major should not hold you back. I would hope that the reason they are delayed is they are trying to decide whether to give you engineering and if not, then tell you to change your major (with an option, your choice, to choose Engineering at Blinn) It is not supposed to hurt you and reading last year, there were people who got through engineering review rather late relative to other majors and others who heard late they were in, but did not get engineering so had to make a choice. I remember reading that if you are in engineering review, your admission is secure - other majors will not get it. .I agree with your observation.

Are scholarship decisions already out? I called admissions… they said scholarships have already been awarded. I had read everywhere scholarships were announced during February end. This is so confusing anyone here who may want to call admissions?

Admissions doesn’t do scholarships distribution. Scholarships & Financial Aid office does them. They are decided by various groups - each with their own timeline. Some will have already gone out but most seem to roll out Feb- April. For more input from others, try posting a scholarship thread- you’re more likely to get input.

Sorry i called the SFAID , she asked for my UIN and even directed me to check my Howdy to see if i had been awarded any scholarship. She said that scholarship decisions were already out… I am really panicing.

I am an international student please help