Class of 2020- Admission Status

@pk2608 It is my understanding that scholarship opportunities for international freshmen are limited to the Opportunity Award and Corps of cadets. I guess this must have shown up when you filled in the Apply Texas Scholarship application.

Like what I don’t underst is that are they already out? And aren’t we eligible for academic excellence scholarships?

I remember when S filled in his Schol application, it clearly showed the available scholarships for which he is eligible as an International freshmen. Maybe you should re-visit your application and check. If you are awarded, I guess is should show up on HOWDY under ‘My Finances’ tab. BTW, did you get your decision from UTA?

From UTA? … i have received it only from TAMU AND UT DALLAS YET. NO scholarships for me. will have to drop TAMU i guess! is there anyway to appeal for reconsideration of scholarship?

My D hasn’t received word on scholarships either. She’s in-state, academic admit. Last year the Scholarship office said they would be sending out scholarships until mid-March.

@hoping4admit @elysium305 Thanks for answering again! Yall sure know allot :smiley:

@pk2608 I thought you had applied to the Cockerel School of Engg. Has UTD announced schol decisions yet? My S has received schol and OOS waiver from TTU and UH-Main. Did you apply to these places?

Hi! I am applying to TAMU for admission to their class of 2020 and I am FREAKING out about my chances! A&M is my first choice school, although I have already been accepted into and received scholarships from Purdue, Texas Tech, and Texas State. Can someone chance me for admission?

Applied: 10/26/2015
Major 1: biochemistry
Major 2: genetics
Cr+m= 1200
Class rank: 86/582
Gpa: 3.3636/4.000
My documents have all been received and my app has been in review since november!
very strong essays
MANY MANY extra curriculars (over 700 hours with the greater houston area red cross , spanish club president, athlete of multiple sports all 4 years, habitat for humanity, spanish 5, etc)

What are my chances at full admission or even blinn team at this point? I feel like my application is relatively strong but this wait is AGONIZING and sadly very didcouraging:

@princessdraine It seems you are in the running based on last year. Rank at 15% is good! They ignore GPA. Based on last years comments from an official source (TexAgs moderated by admissions) your rank was given a likely full for a 1290 SAT and your rank was given a likely Blinn at lower than your SAT. This year there were 48000 applicants vs 36000 last year. The subjective half of the application does matter, so that should help. If you read the Tex Ags thread you might find a better match to your exact combination of rank, score and activities.

Everyone waiting -
I was told that Howdy does not add the 2 more tabs until NSC, so watching for that may not help in figuring out if admitted.

If anyone here could post their scholarship decisions . I’ve already lost hope of going to TAMU. I wish I could appeal for reconsideration of my scholarship application. Any intl or US citizen who has received an update on howdy about scholarships ?

@hoping4admit thank you so much!! Your message was very reassuring, as I have spent the past 3-4 months stressing out over not hearing anything back lol. Im trying to just relax and see what happens, i shall keep yall posted!

@hoping4admit Where did you get the application numbers (48,000 vs 36,000)? That’s a huge increase!

class of 2018 was 35,667. Somewhere I read class of 2019 was only slightly higher. I will have to find where that was. This year was posted on TAMU twitter “more than 48,000”.

@CollegeMama987 About 38,500 according to TAMU admissions on TexAgs last year.

Anyone any scholarships?

@pk2608 no for me. I applied but didn’t really expect any.

Scholarship in my case was imperative to me attending the univ. Can’t pay more than 20000$ a year

@hoping4admit I STILL have only two tabs on Howdy. I’ve already registered for NSC. I sent an email to admissions, and its been three days but they haven’t replied.

@elysium305 yesterday admissions told me that I would not have the other two tabs in Howdy until I ATTENDED the NSC. Glad I am not the only admitted with two tabs. Hard to decide what advice to believe and when to ask again. I was having trouble registering for housing, and online chat told me Gateway could not sign up for housing. I didn’t think that was right and when I called housing they said I could, and confirmed a system error with my application.

Scholarships anyone here?. Like seriously? SFAID says theyve sent out th scholarships already, but no one , no single person here seems to have received the scholarship?. I am unable to understand what is exactly happening