Class of 2020- Admission Status

Sorry, I don’t remember :(. We are OOS.

@elisenicole57 Are you in the 1st quarter of your high school? They use rank not GPA and say they ignore the status / rigor / difficulty of your HS. I think you have a good chance if you are 1Q and had good essays to go with that 31 ACT. Good luck!

My high school doesn’t rank after the top 10% but I think I am.

Just curious, are there any OOS students that are review admits that are in the top 10% that have not heard back yet?

@elisenicole57 Check AIS for what TAMU calculated. My hs doesn’t rank either but admissions has a process to pick one.

I just spoke with an admissions counselor and he said all decisions will be out by the end of this week. My daughter is still under review and I called because her major is still the same, but her degree plan changed from a BS to a BA. I’m not sure what the means, but we will see. He did say not to lose hope because they still have all decisions going out. I know this isn’t much help, but it’s better than nothing. Good luck to all of you and congrats to the ones who have been admitted.

I also spoke to admissions a few minutes ago and they said March 17th for all decisions. She put me on the phone and called someone above her for a final word. Who knows though. My son is still in review. I would be very careful putting your school choice above getting your major (just my life experience as a mom talking). If you want to be a business major and you are fairly certain of that I would say to carefully consider choosing A&M above pursuing your life’s goals. A&M is amazing, but after a year or two of experience in the real world it really won’t matter where you went to school. It will matter how you do your work and actually it really matters that you have an advanced degree. Hoping to transfer is great, but you have to think about how you will feel after you fall in love with the school and then can’t pursue your goals??? Will you choose a major that will lead you down a less desirable path? These are just questions we have been discussing with our son. I am truly disappointed that with an ACT of 31 as a Texas resident he cannot get into A&M above someone that was top 10 percent and had a lower ACT. It just doesn’t make sense.

Does anybody have the TAMU20 Group me?

Just as an FYI my son attends a very competitive high school that does not rank. Prior to them not ranking he was at top 28 percent and his grades are even better now so I know he was very very close to the top 25%. ACT 31 with lots of band etc and spent the night with the corp. He really really wants to be part of the corp, but since the business school is closed I think he is carefully rethinking things. Honestly, I feel bad for him since other friends at other high schools with lower act and GPA already got in.

As a fellow parent, I am feeling your pain. There are going to be some very deserving kids who don’t get in, that’s just the way it is. I am hopeful that my daughter will realize that her other choices (which by the way have offered $, scholarships) are also wonderful schools and that she will be happy, and getting a great education, even if not at A&M. Your advice to follow your dreams and get the major you want is spot on. It is very difficult to internally transfer - even if you have the grades it is extremely risky.

So all decisions will be out by the end of this week? Aka tomorrow???

Watching this unfold, over the last month of “reviews”… and knowing many personally who have already been accepted, and those who have not. And knowing their rank, scores and in some cases gpa, I truly see this as a lottery in the end. Just the reality of life. But I pray those waiting, get an offer and something they will be pleased with. And I agree with @corpmammawannabe on a lot of her comments. Another momma talking.

I am hearing conflicting stories. I have heard everyone will have an answer by the end of the week. Then I heard the 19th and some are still saying mid March.

I think that most first -time freshman decisions will be out by this week or next weekend. The transfer applicants generally sometimes have to wait a bit longer.

Aggiebound’s twitter said that all decisions will be out by February 19th but when I called the admissions office they said that all decisions will be out by mid-march… Anyone know what’s going on with the conflicting stories?

If it helps you guys out I got my decision by this time last year. My friends who were offered Blinn TEAM and gateway received their decision around next week last year. People who got PSA received their decision by the end of February

@Mikej45 if you pm me your name and phone, I will have my daughter add you tomorrow. I’m traveling so won’t be for a day. There’s a few I believe due to the limits (400 I believe).

@corpmammawannabe I assume A&M ranked your son in the 2Q? Otherwise if his scores were high enough he would have been an auto admit. But if Mays is full, I guess it’s a mute point.

Anyone know if biomedical science is full?

Collegemama yes he is the 2nd quartile. We have friends in other districts around us and their kids got in with lower gpa and lower act. They do not go to as competitive a high school. So my son is penalized because he goes to a harder school. If we moved him to a school a few districts away (10 min) he would have been in immediately and in the business school. It doesn’t make sense, but it works if you want to determine who is in and out strictly by numbers in a computer. How can you say that a kid with an ACT of 31 is less deserving for admission than one with a 28 who happens to be in the top 10% of a poor performing school? I do believe those in review are chosen in a somewhat random way.