Class of 2020- Admission Status

Blinn line Campus in Bryan is about 10 minutes away.

That should say Blinn Campus in Bryan. Sorry for the typo.

That should say Blinn Campus in Bryan. Sorry for the typo.

That should say Blinn Campus in Bryan. Sorry for the typo.

Blinn is very close to the A&M campus. There is another Blinn about 45 min away, but that is not Blinn Team. I have a close friend with a daughter that did Blinn this year. It was difficult for her as far as living off campus and everything. It was not ideal, but she did save a lot of money and she is planning to transfer at the end of this semester as she has exemplary grades. She missed out on a lot of the college experience, but she was ok with that. If you want to be in the Corp of Cadets you can live on campus guaranteed. Congrats to all those who have been accepted recently. Chin up to all those waiting. Just hand in there. It is really really painful to wait. I think my son has totally given up, but I haven’t! Hang in there all ok??

@niccidoe google maps says 5 miles. 15-17 minutes between TAMU and Blinn Bryan by car.
I read that 45 minutes in the TEAM FAQ but I think that would only be true if you had to wait on a bus.

Yes, I had read that it was a 45 minute ride… whether that was bus ride or not… so I just assumed it was by any means of transportation. It did seem strange to have a program that would require that kind of commute yet allow you to live on campus if you wanted to. Thank goodness it’s only 5 miles away! Even with the thought of that long commute, I was STILL considering Blinn Team if it was offered! Hopefully, changes will show up tomorrow. Ha!

They definitely said that every freshman admission decision would be given out the 15th through the 19th on their official Aggie Bound Instagram page. So I assume that means they will be working on Monday… Or at least hitting the button to send the lucky groups decisions. Lol.

Little nervous since I haven’t heard anything… Can anyone tell me my chances based on my stats?
Application Completed: Nov. 13
UIN Received: Nov. 17
Admission Decision: none yet
Review Level: Holistic
Major: Communications
Stats: 4.0/4.0 GPA
1000 SAT (CR + M) <-low i know, awful test taker
Top 25% at Texas public high school
Wrote all three essays
Submitted letter of recommendation
Lots of extra-curricular activities and volunteer work
Application complete, still in review

@mccrash97 I think your essays and the other non-score part of your application are critical. 1Q is good. Were you close to top 10%? SAT will probably hurt you. I say that because I was told my 1150 was “low”. You need something in your essays / ECs that is unique or that they really like. If Gateway is not full, probably your best bet. Good luck!

My major automatically changed from ‘Civil Engineering’ to “General Engineering(Civil)”. Does that indicate a rejection?

My stats are::
ACT- 30C
ECs- Above average
GPA- 91/100

Well, @futurecivilguy14, judging by the comments on this thread, I think Congratulations are in order :-*

For what it’s worth – At an Admissions session this weekend (AggieLand) the speaker said they have 12,000 more applications to process before next Friday (2/26). She said they have had over 40,000 applications total, and they expect a fall 2016 freshman class of 11,000-12,000.

–> Still no word on honors or scholarship in 3 1/2 months. 34/967 rank, 3.95 UW GPA, 34 ACT, 2310 SAT. BTW, at t.u., (yes, I am an Ag), he is auto-admit but still has not been told if he is BME and also no response on honors or scholarships.

We sat in on University Honors session during AggieLand and were told letters go out the first of March. They had over 2,000 applications and will fill 300-350 spots. Other college/departmental honors programs notification depends on that department or college.

In another session - Scholarships - we were told they are still processing the scholarships.

Thanks @hmays1! I wish that I had been able to stay one more day for AggieLand while I was there in town. So apparently they won’t be getting all decisions in by the 19th like they stated on twitter… I was told before I visited last week that it wouldn’t be until mid-March until things would be finalized – and then some will be filtering through until April (mostly International). Ugh! I sound bratty, but the wait is so agonizing!!

Still have heard nothing in regards to scholarships. A $1000 scholarship is somewhat imperative to me attending, as it brings down the overall cost about 20k a year (I’m out of state). If I don’t receive a scholarship, would it be worth my time to write someone and explain my situation in hopes they could find a OOS tuition waiver for me?

Also at Aggieland Saturday, an admissions person said both “most” and “hope 90%” decisions by this next Friday - the 19th (they were asked by someone if “next” Friday was the 19th).
Said they “hoped” to send 10,000 letters this week, but some would be later. So I guess a bunch this week and more later. Many of the representatives at A&M are trying to be helpful, but they may or may not know what is possible to process.

@itsOVO If you are in a small major where they do not get as many students as they want due to first come first serve, it might be worth contacting the college / major, because they will have an interest in keeping you in their freshman class.

The colleges of engineering and business do not participate in PSA. Does A&M typically offer PSA if your first and second choice majors are engineering and/or business?

^^ what we’ve heard too @ItsOVO (post #1077)^^ Told by two people, separate occasions, that less-sought after departments lose excellent candidates b/c of slowness of process with scholarships. (They felt the delay was caused by the high percentage of applications.) Both people stressed how their colleges/departments are disappointed when they see great students slip through their fingers. In fact, went to a special program that had a “so where else are you looking/how can we keep you interested” recruiting vibe.