Class of 2020- Admission Status

@GustafAngus nothing.

For all of those curious as to why you can no longer change your major, i spoke to admissions and they say that that means your major has been filled

@princessdraine what do you mean by ‘filled’? My howdy literally hasn’t changed. The only thing different was about a week ago AIS disappeared for the admission tab and into my applicant news tab. I’m seriously freaking out right now thinking if I haven’t seen any change that it means I’ve been rejected… I’ve been trying to keep calm but the more days pass the more worried I am.

@corpmammawannabe Sorry to hear of your disappointment. One of my best friend’s son is still holding out. He is first quarter but not strong SAT or GPA. His first and second choice majors are also full, (business & engineering) and being still under review, not sure he will be admitted as a review candidate. He too will be disappointed if he is not offered main campus or at least Blinn Team. It’s his dad’s almamater.
Of course, we as moms, feel for our kids when they are disappointed. My own son is waiting to hear from his first choice college and he has exceptional credentials (national merit commended, gateway engineering classes in HS, current internship at aerospace company thru partnership with our district, leadership, etc) but his rank is a weak spot (13%) and his major one of the most competitive. He will be very disappointed not to get his first choice and it is a possibility. It is just that competitive at UT and A&M.
If by OSU, you mean Oklahoma State, then you can’t go wrong there. My daughter attends there and LOVES it. She would prefer if the campus were 2 hours away instead of 4, but it is a great school, great spirit. Make hotel reservations TODAY for homecoming (might have to stay in Perry, 13 miles away, as Stillwater books up early and they raise their rates). If my friends son doesn’t get A&M, he too will go to OSU, which is my friends almamater.
All the best to you and your son.

Anyone who really wants to be an Aggie, might consider applying to Galveston branch, TAMUG, and then changing majors the next year. TAMUG has a high acceptance rate, and is A&M. My daughter got PSA when she applied 4 years ago, went her Freshman year to TAMUG, and was at MAYS business school by first semester sophomore year. She graduates this May.

I still have my “change major” button under manage applications… Meaning that my first & second major (Computer and electrical engineering is not full yet? Hope so!

I think the change of major from TAMUG to Mays is still doable but I have heard it may be getting harder (higher GPA for C of C ). Just like harder from another major on main College Station campus

Friend with PSA last year loves Oklahoma State Business Honors.

Seems like there is a difference between having a change major tab and not being able to pick a major that is full and not having the tab at all.

My sons major tab, within last few minutes has now also disappeared from AIS. his 1st major was HORT. 2nd Lib Arts

I was accepted to Blinn Team as well. I still have the change of major button and still “In Review” in Howdy but it now says - Level : Undergraduate Major: TEAM Program: BAC-TEAM

I was able to get on the wait list for housing. I will need to speak with an advisor from the department to see how to proceed. I have all of my core classes and according to the TEAM info, cannot take any in my major. I don’t know what I could take at either school to satisfy the additional classes needed since I will have 24 hours. I know there are classes to take, but those classes wouldn’t be needed to satisfy my course needs for the degree. It is great I got in, but I am not sure how it can work for me. Once I speak with the advisor, I will update the forum in case anyone else is in the same position.

My son is in the same boat. Blinn team but lots of dual credit hours. Can a student transfer early to A&M with this situation?

Congrats @VV2016 I’m interested in what your outcome will be. With that many hours I would hope you’d be able to override Blinn and go right into College Station (maybe reverse the program – take 4 classes at CS and 1 or 2 at Blinn!).

I’m hoping I’ll knock out AP credits too. Keep us posted!

My son’s Howdy and AIS changed to TEAM, BAC-TEAM, Blinn TEAM yesterday around 5p as well. I really appreciate this forum and the info on here. I wouldn’t have understood any of this without it. And, like some of you, he’s got quite a few credit hours going in, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out. He applied Civil Engineering, but didn’t get that or Blinn TEAB, the Blinn version of Engineering. Hopefully the other signs of being admitted will show up soon and we can see where we go from here. He’s thrilled to be an Aggie2020 and we are thankful, too.


You can transfer early, it is whenever you meet the hours requirement. From my understanding you can apply to transfer as soon as you know you will have the required hours. The Blinn Team hours can be satisfied with the dual credit hours. From what I gathered last year at Aggieland day - you can take additional hours this summer, but once you start in the Fall, all hours must be at Blinn or A&M. You need 15 A&M hours and they told me it was highly unlikely to get those in the Fall but possible to get those in Fall/Spring and maybe a Summer session. (the key is finding that many open) So you could transfer as early as summer or Fall 2017, possibly. This was from the 2/14/15 Aggieland, so things might have changed. He said he did know of students who only spent a year on TEAM.


We weren’t discussing majors when I had this conversation with him, he only asked if I was engineering or business, which I am not.

Congrats @TAMU2020 !! Your NSC and Decline buttons on AIS should show up soon, then tabs in Howdy should come tomorrow or Monday.

@VV2016 Those two majors you mentioned are the most sensitive to transferring out early because of availability/demand (from what I’ve learned). So most other majors won’t have that problem.

I just spoke to an admissions counselor after panicking over the change majors button disappearing and she said that my major still has spots open…

A friend of mine had his major changed from Computer Science to General engineering about a week ago. He also got 4 tabs and had his Program changed on Howdy to BAC-ENGE-GV. It still says under review on both the AIS and Howdy. Does anyone have any information about this?

When did you apply? I applied August 1st
When did you get your UIN? August 4th
ACT: 27
GPA: 3.53
Two strong Recommendations
I turned in all three essays. I feel that they were very strong.

Do y’all think I have a shot at Blinn TEAM?

This wait is excruciating! The later it gets the less hope I have. It’s hard to imagine they aren’t leaving the denials to the end.
@mccrash97 I wonder

@mccrash97 I wonder if the “change major” button disappeared not because the major is full, but because we aren’t getting any sort of acceptance???