Class of 2020- Admission Status

@tmckinley04 I don’t understand why they wouldn’t spread the denials out during the time period… I hope they don’t save all of the denials to the end. I asked the admissions counselor if they were still offering Blinn Team and she said that all offers are going out until the end of tomorrow.
I read somewhere on here that your application can get reviewed multiple times before they make a decision.

@incomingstudent If the friend has 4 tabs and the major changed to BAC ENGE GV, that means he/she has been accepted (GV= A&M Galveston). AIS will change soon. Admissions has said that the system has been very slow in updating AIS to showing acceptance verifications and Howdy tabs will appear soon. Both have been slow in catching up with all the updates.

@tmckinley04 that could be it but I’d like to think other people who have had their change major button disappear got offered something or full admission.

Unless things have changed, the not being able to switch INTO a major means it is full, not being able to use the change majors button. I think they may have misunderstood your question.

Also, after people start to decline offers some spots do open up in certain majors and you can switch. In the past, the exceptions to that were: engineering, business, sociology, architecture & psychology. They will I’m sure update the list for this year if there are changes to that policy - you use to be able to switch around May1st until your NSC date. This only applies to full admission to College Station. If this is something you interested in, I’d suggest contacting admissions closer to the May 1st cutoff to see if you can still do it this year and which majors are on the list. I’m guessing if you ask now, the answer will be no - be patient and wait for the dust to settle from this years admissions offers. This is something that is not governed by a law, so it CAN change as the process unfolds.

I have not heard back yet either, I know a lot of people who have recieved PSA and Blinn team. I can’t change my major now either, hopefully i find out by tonight!

@mccThat’s what is scaring me. I haven’t read where anyone got an acceptance or Blinn Team after their “change major” button completely vanished. I’ve only seen where someone’s button disappeared and then they got PSA.

@niccidoe are you sure if that means he is accepted into Galveston because I have had the same thing since last Thursday, BAC ENGE GV

Has anyone heard of ANY straight up denials? Not PSA, but an actual denial.

@LoveAM When I saw the Core Curriculum course list, it labels College Station as CS and Galveston as GV. I think it’s more than a good guess that a major labeled with CS or GV means either College Station or Galveston campus. But I’m not an employee of TAMU or Admissions expert… so maybe someone else can give more accurate info

I called Admissions to check if my S major was “full”. It is not full either. So I have a concern, as you could clearly need the “change major” tab if accepted. A tad concerned here unfortunately.
@niccidoe GV is Galveston… My S has been accepted there. It’s that way on his AIS and list GV (College)

@TAMU2020 congratulations!!

Since our son’s major and program changed to Blinn / BAC-TEAM and he is still “under review”, I was wondering if anyone has had their major changed again before the “under review” went away and an “accepted” message showed up? Or is this just a computer updating problem at admissions??? We are very happy with Blinn TEAM, but were just wondering why it stays “under review”…

@incomingstudent @LoveAM I believe the BAC ENGE GV refers to the new program from Dwight Look that will allow you to have guaranteed admission to an engineering major if you meet certain criteria. The description is on the TAMU college of engineering website. This is different from a&m galveston. Definitely worth looking into if you want an engineering degree from TAMU.

@TAMU2020 it will catch up in AIS and “under review” will go away. In Howdy, mine still says under review

@Bluemoon3 would you mind posting the link to the new program you were referring too?

GV is Galveston but being admitted to Engineering at Galveston is much like Blinn Engineering Acad vs Blinn TEAM. You will have an advantage over regular Blinn or regular GV because with ENGR- GV they have awarded you a general engineering spot making you eligible for a specific engineering major competing against everyone at CS Engr, Blinn Engr and GV Engr. after you complete your first engr courses. If you are enrolled in regular GV you will have a harder time getting into COE. Congrats to those of you chosen for GV Engineering.

edit - agree with @Bluemoon3 - did not mean to duplicate

Engineering at Galveston

@tmckinley04 At a meeting I went to some time ago, they said most straight up denials are earlier in the process. Students that do not qualify for system schools, therefore generally not competitive for TAMU-CS get denials once that is clear. PSAs in February are quality applications that they could not fit into full or Blinn or one of the engineering academies.

Thank you @hopingforadmit. That’s good to hear.


I do have a friend that says she was denied admission, about a month or so ago. I asked her if she received PSA, thinking maybe that is what she got and she said no, she was denied admission, no other way for her to get in unless she applied to transfer from wherever she decided to go. She said she would just go to Blinn and work hard and see if she could transfer after her sophomore year.