@Winky1 All portals will be updated at the same time, and you will either be told you were selected as a finalist for a scholarship or you will be told that you were not chosen. The only thing that would occur before that is some scholarships call people who received it the previous night.
Do you think the portal was being updated last night when it was down with the website?
Where in the portal to look for scholarship result notification?
On Reddit someone said that some people have received notification about scholarships already and that finalists’ weekend is March 22.
Do you know how they were notifield @ARIVERA1 ? did they get email first telling them to check their pathway? or was it just on the pathway?
@Winky1 no i’m looking for more information now.
It is possible that they were called. When the portal is updated, you will get an email and on the home screen of your portal there will a link to click to take you to your decision.
is everyone supposed to be notified of scholarships by now?
@JemmaSimmons Do you know which of the Wash U scholarships are being announced now? All of them?
so does the portal take a while to be updated?
So is it today?
No idea, but seems email will be coming in near future. This week? Tomorrow?
Has anyone definitely been notified, or is that all speculation?
See post #63
@Quantjock All scholarships will be updated at the same time on the portal. SOME scholarships MAY call recipients a night or two before the pathway is updated in order to entice recipients with a more personal touch. Certainly not all scholarships function this way, though, and I’m unsure as to which do and which don’t. I wouldn’t assume anything either way until the pathway is updated. My personal guess is that it will be Wednesday this week, but that is based off nothing substantial and only last year’s results. I will let you know if I receive any indication of a definite release date from my end.
It seems the scholarship decisions will come up before month end. What about the RD decision date for those who don’t get the scholarship?
I ‘believe’ (but do not know for certain) that THIS week they announce finalists for scholarships, and those scholarship competitions are late March (22-25?). If you are a scholarship finalist I have read others say you can assume acceptance. For everyone not in the scholarship competition, I don’t think you will know until late March (no later than April 1). Most elites announce RD by then along with merit/need info, as May 1 is the national decision date.
Yes the interview weekend is 3/23-25. Anyone interested in a scholarship will need to be there so there is not much need for advance notice. You either go to St. Louis or you don’t. I hope to hear soon because I am curious but not because I need to in order to make plans. I bet we hear in the next couple of weeks. Good luck everyone!
FYI - The RD date for the past few years is as follows:
2017 - 3/15 (Wed, around 5:00 EDT)
2016 - 3/10 (Thurs, around 5:30 EST)
2015 - 3/9
2014 - 3/10
Does anyone know the time the scholarships will be released on portal? 3 pm pacific?