Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions

@readthetealeaves My freshman Nurse at Clemson is positively in heaven!!! She loves her school, her friends, her major… pretty much everything!!!

@readthetealeaves My D is at UCI and happy with the small size of the nursing program. She’s taking part in club rowing and getting up early for that. She does like being in-state, just a train ride away. She came home the weekend we got a new puppy this fall. She’s adjusting to campus life and being a minority (Caucasian) on the campus. We found out her nursing class had a 1.7% acceptance rate, and she feels lucky to have gotten into the program. UCI started late September and she’s already had to apply for housing next fall. Seems crazy early to be trying to find a room mate for next year.

@Banker1 That is great! SDSU seems to suit your 2023 D to a T! The Switzerland trip sounds divine
@4n2yrs That is wonderful! It sounds like Clemson was the perfect choice for your D. It is nice that every area is a positive

To all the 2023 Nursing Parents/students keep us updated on the good, bad and the in between!

@Bonchien Congrats to your D and her enjoying UCI. A great match. So nice to have her close to home. I agree finding housing/roommates when they barely just got there seems funny

Can’t believe it was a year ago when all the stress of applications was dominating our house! My DD was set on Bama due to full ride and incredible visit there. But when politics took a turn she couldn’t reconcile she switched gears and headed to UMiami (Florida). Her favorite nursing school on her list - but less merit offered.
It’s been great so far - such an impressive faculty with state of the art teaching. The curriculum is hard - she’s taking more credits than any of her friends. Her advice - take AP Bio senior year of HS!

Hi, any one (or your son/daughter) attending University of Portland Honors Program?

@GreenBees I agree application stress last year seems a lifetime away. U of Miami (FL) sounds like a great fit for your daughter. AP bio is rigorous and will prepare them. My kid said to take anatomy and physiology as well if offered/possible as well in high school.

Maybe a dumb question, but when the title of this thread is “Class of 2023 Nursing Admissions”, what does that mean? My daughter will graduate HS in 2021 and start college in Fall of 2021. Does nursing admissions year mean the 3rd (Junior Year) because they don’t start as Freshmen?

Class of 2023 means graduating in college (assuming the normal 4 years) in 2023. So this thread was started for high school class of 2019. For your D, you should be most interested in the future thread for class of 2025.

Hey everyone - my daughter is trying to decide between direct entry BSN programs at Gonzaga, Cal State Fullerton and ASU (with honors college). Since the college visits were all canceled, she is trying to speak with current nursing students. Do any of you know current nursing students at any of these schools? She has reached out to the schools and is getting connected with students that way as well. Thanks so much!

My DS is looking at both Carroll College and Westminster as we live (and he loves) the Pacific Northwest. Can you share any info on your DS’s GPA/SAT to help us gauge the threshold for direct admission at either school?

Hi, did your D end up going to Point Loma?

No, she ended up getting into and going to UC Irvine. She wanted a bigger school and is happy there.

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