Class of 2023 TAMU Engineering at Galveston

@Thelma2 Thanks for all of your helpful feedback. Do you know how TAMU admissions determines which engineering applicants will get offered Blinn EA vs Engineering at Galveston, or in some cases, both options? In other words, which of the two options is considered more competitive? Thanks.

@CorpsHope Surely @Thelma2 will get to your question soon, but what I’ve observed this year is that most pathway engineering student’s were offered a choice, incl. McAllen as well. Most students want to be in the CSTAT area right away, and so TEAB filled up first. That was this year’'s situation, anyway. There are a couple Engineering at Galveston parents here in case you have any questions. We also have a good resource for the TAMU Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham in case you are looking for an engineering pathway close to CSTAT than Galveston.

I do not know the criteria A&M uses to determine which offer of admissions to give to applicants. In prior years, the only applicants who received options of locations was auto and academic admits who were not offered full admission to college station engineering. Options were never offered to review applicants before. It was just one location, as in “You are offered Galveston|” or “You are offered Engineering at McAllen”.

Galveston is considered full admissions because Galveston is a branch campus and you are not co enrolled in a community college. Engineering at Blinn/Bryan is full time enrolled at Community college and the engineering class at A&M + 1 additional university core class.

Neither is going to be easy or less competitive.

@sma1234 even if you were on west end of the Island, commuting back & forth would be a pain, hassle and time consuming. Going across the causeway and up & down I45 daily, while a full time Engineering student, would be a huge NO. Traffic on & off the Island can be dicey, and you’d eat up valuable study time, not to mention miss out on group projects and studying.
As far as transferring into Mays…it is extremely difficult. I attended a Mays reception last night, for incoming Class of 2023, and the Mays Dean was there. It is super, super competitive, and only 100 spots open for transfers.
If you’ve been accepted to UH Bauer school, that’s a great program! You have two great choices-TAMUG or UH-but you’re going to have to fully commit to one or the other.

@sma1234 even if you lived on the west end of the Island, commuting back & forth would be a pain, hassle and time consuming. Going across the causeway and up & down I45 daily, while a full time Engineering student, would be a huge NO. Traffic on & off the Island can be dicey, and you’d eat up valuable study time, not to mention miss out on group projects and studying.
As far as transferring into Mays…it is extremely difficult. I attended a Mays reception last night with my daughter, for incoming Class of 2023, and the Mays Dean was there. It is super, super competitive, and only 100 spots open for transfers. The stats for the kids that have currently applied for Mays transfers is quite impressive-almost all 4.0, many have started their own businesses, have business related jobs, etc.
If you’ve been accepted to UH Bauer school, that’s a great program! You have two great choices-TAMUG or UH-but you’re going to have to fully commit to one or the other.

@sma1234 this thread ? is for current potential Mays transfer candidates. You can see how tough the competition is, just from the few that have posted.

If anyone needs a roommate pm me I`m in the same boat.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg so I still have some concerns on going to a smaller campus tamu Galveston my freshman year. I have heard that there are no events on the weekend and is there no parties or greek life there to be involved with? Will I make enough friends not to feel lonely and how do you find roommates to room with because I don’t know anyone going there? Do you know the ethnicity chart in this college? Also my parents are worrying about the living situation and I would like to persuade them it’s going to be alright but I dont know how so can you help me through this process. I have a engineering preview day on March 22 so I’ll definitely ask some questions then but in the meanwhile I’m thinking hard on the idea of attending next year.

My son is spending his spring break with his friend there, a dual minority international student. They have been swimming, go-karting, and spending time at the beach so far. A friend from high school came down for his vacation. You will find and make friends. It will take a few weeks, but you will do it. You would also be close to home, and could visit your friends there when they are also home from school or are working there. I believe you would find all ethnicities there at TAMUG, and what unites members of the group is more likely shared classes, just as in your high school now. Would you have a car next year? That would help you visit your family as you make your adjustment. Utilize the roommate matching system to reach out toward potential roommates.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg How do you access the roommates matching system to reach out to people?

There is no Greek life at at TAMUG, but you could pledge as a sophomore when you got to CStat. I believe there are some parties (heard about dorm Halloween party last year). If you pursue engineering, your first year grades will be really important. You can definitely check things out on March 22. You are getting the info you need.

You would need to speak to the TAMUG Residential Life (ResLife) folks and apply for housing first, as I recall. You can find their website pretty easily, and they will also be there for you all next week.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Ok thanks. Do you know what courses you have to take first two semesters at tamug is it just like freshman cstat courses? Like what are specific requirements and how many core curriculum classes do you have to take per semester? Do you recommend any easy classes to take to boost your gpa? Also is the MPE easy and how do you recommend we study to ensure we get math 151 for track to ETAM by 2nd semester? Sorry for the questions I’m just trying to figure out all info I need before next week and I find you pretty reliable and informative based off your son attending and I find that appreciative of you.

@sma1234 I remember my son saying the MPE was mostly algebra and trig but the math department has info and study material here:
You can do a web search on tamu “insert major here” degree plan, and you will get the list of courses you need to take each semester.

@sma1234 The link that @pbleigh provided above has written practice tests (pdf’s), one for Math 147/151/171 bound students (MPE1). Engineering students fall into that group, as the engineering curriculum has students start with Math 151 (Calculus I) unless they need to go back to Math 150 or so. Students also have access to online MPE practice tests, probably through the Howdy website. I don’t remember how and when these online practice tests were accessible, but someone else on this forum will know. The best way to study for math tests is to work problems without looking at the solutions until you have solved the problems or have exhausted all your resources.

The TAMUG freshman engineering students are TAMU students, so you would take the same sorts of courses next year as students in CStat. If you pass the MPE, you would start with Math 151, ENGR 102, maybe a science like Chemistry (Chem 107 and its lab, Chem 117), and probably a course from the state core curriculum (e.g., some English class or history or creative arts or social science or …). To apply for ETAM, you need credit for two math, two science, and two engineering classes actually taken at TAMU/TAMUG. The science and core curriculum classes would vary, depending upon what AP credits if any you wanted to take. The advisors at your NSC will help you with deciding on courses, and they are very familiar with students getting into trouble and won’t let you sign up for too much. You may have an idea about how much you want to pursue your first semester. When in doubt, sign up for fewer classes than you might think you could do. This is college, and most people find it to be significantly more difficult than high school due to various factors, especially at the beginning. They will help you a lot at your New Student Conference if you choose to go with the TAMUG offer.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Howdy so I think that I am coming closer to making a decision on attending tamug since I really want to be an aggie in the future. I just visited tamu galveston recently and both me and my parents loved it and tamu college station visit today was pretty cool too. I hope on signing up for nsc, applying for housing, etc asap like this weekend and making my final decision over the next 3-4 days. I was just wondering since I have credit for an ap exam human geo, do I send it to tamu galveston or tamu cstat? Gig em’

Howdy, @sma1234. They are the same school. My son sent his AP scores to TAMU (CStat), and they showed up in his Howdy records. We’re really glad that you have visited these campuses.

@sma1234 Once you request to send the AP tests, check your Howdy to make sure they all arrive. Sometimes they don’t. We know this from first hand experience. Always check up on everything.
Also, do not accept any AP credits until your NSC. Many don’t accept the UCC AP credits until after sophomore year.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg @Thelma2 Hey I had a few questions about this admissions process on howdy. So I just recently signed up for my tamug nsc and on the tasks to consider in my ais it shows that you have to activate your texas a&m email address so how do you do that? I know this is going to sound dumb but is it basically your current email address Also how do you know you are TSI exempt i think Im exempt becasue I basically met all the requirements including SAT but it doesnt really indicate that I am and it shows a red x?

I remember that my son’s tamu email is his howdy I believe you might be able to delete the “email.” part. Someone please advise @sma1234 on activating his email. Isn’t thia account acceaaible alrrady somehoq through Howdy? The TSI standards are satisfied by adequate SAT/ACT scores. Again, we will need to ask others on this matter. Perhaps they haven’t gotten to this part yet in the admissions office. Anyone else seeing an unexpected TSI indication?