Clemson Class of 2024

No, Clemson will continue to update up to about 2-3 days before the send out their Tigerbound packages (usually the Friday around Feb 14-15). That means we would have up to about Feb 13 this year to see if the hack works. By that Friday, if the hack doesn’t work, then we can expect either a bridge or denied letter. Two years ago, my daughter’s hack didn’t work until about 1 week before Clemson sent their packages.

@taamom no activation token found on record

Ok so like this sucks. I applied 116 days ago and if they come out the 15th I have 16 days left. I’m literally going insane Clemson is all I talk about it’s so bad. My older brother got accepted last year but had to do the summer program if he wanted to attend in the fall so he rejected it. The summer program would be hard considering I would have no summer but I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m from NJ I applied as a marketing major, my SAT is 1250, my weighted gpa is 4.85 and my unweighted 3.41. My rank is 125/519 and I took many honors and AP classes and I’m in NHS and was the captain of my varsity volleyball team but literally my chances of getting in are so slim. I have been trying to get my hopes down imagining that tiny white envelope but all I want is the envelope that says Tiger Town Bound. Ahaha thanks for listening to my rant. 16 more days people 16 more days

@fearless65 I know it’s stressful, but don’t give up hope yet.

Good luck! I know waiting is tough. My son has 4 colleges on his list that he won’t hear from until end of March, and he applied to them in September. So, a 6-month wait. Luckily, his Clemson and Penn State acceptances came in November, but still a long time for the others.

i love trevor Lawerence

u miss 100% of the shots u dont take.

What is the time frame of the summer program? Is it both the July and August months?

Clemson sent packets Feb, 7th last year.

@massmom2020, move-in day is June 20 and move out is Aug 4.

@TheNextChapter My son doesn’t graduate until June 28th making Clemson’s summer program impossible.

Yeah, last year I knew a student that wasn’t out of school until 6/20 and had to leave for Clemson summer session the next day and start classes that Monday. I think that is unhealthy lack of a break between HS and college but the student had no choice if they wanted to go to Clemson.

IMO, Clemson should look at the HS grad date when offering that option.

@kittycat1203, that would be tough to figure out! In last year’s Class of 2023 thread, I believe someone stated they appealed the summer start and were moved to a fall start.

Yesterday it said “no activation code on record” and today it says “the activation code does not match the one on record”. Thoughts?

^ same

@eagle816 @newjerseysenior The hack theory would say that this means you got in. Assuming I’ve been following all the hack posts correctly.

Okay…so D’s “hack” screen page just updated. Now states “activation token doesn’t match the one on record”. Just 1/2 ago it stated “no token found”.

Fingers crossed!!!

As a follow up, I’m assuming this could mean Summer or Bridge program as well??

It doesn’t mean anything - there is no way you could know that.

@Lacole03 I believe that Bridge acceptance does not “change the hack” to the “does not match” message. But Summer admittance can. Bridge has it’s own enrollment system which is sent out in the Bridge to Clemson acceptance letter.