Clemson Class of 2024

Regarding the waitlist
Daughter was waitlisted in ‘18 and in early June received deferred spring acceptance. It was contingent on completing 12 credit hrs at another college with a 2.5 GPA. She happily accepted, went to our local community college fall semester, and we moved her in Jan 6, the day they won the ‘18 championship! Needless to say, it was a great way to spend her first night on campus. Moral of the story, the waitlist isn’t a lost cause. People do get in. Maybe not so many for fall, but there were a significant number of kids in her January orientation.

@86grad - totally agree! :slight_smile:

In the end, it all works out how it is intended…i know it is difficult to see that at the moment when you are on a waitlist…but one day you will look back and be happy with how things panned out…

Options are great!

I just heard from my daughters College Advisor and she spoke directly with CU admissions this morning. ALL acceptances and letters including waitlist early summer and bridge has gone out. Just FYI

the fact that i won’t be home for 2 more hours is killing me and i don’t have the UPS thingy so ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

White envelope came today DS waitlisted and the hack for the waitlist worked for him. He already committed to IU - Kelley School but glad to know what the outcome is for CU. Good luck to everyone still waiting

@Harding , would you mind giving his stats? What major did he apply for?

If you never get off the waitlist is Bridge then an automatic option?

What is the waitlist hack?

My DS was waitlisted today, small white envelope. For those that get waitlisted here are the actual stats on getting admitted (this is from the Common Data Set on Clemson website);

2,715 offered waitlist, 1,153 accepted waitlist offer and of those 449 admitted

2,649 offered waitlist, 924 accepted waitlist and of those 876 admitted




Looks like the difficult years to get off the waitlist were 2016 and 2014, the other years were very high rates of acceptance from waitlist. Hope this helps, the data as mentioned is published on the Clemson website, so not hearsay. Good luck to everyone waiting to hear, it’s a great school. I’m not sure if my DS will wait it out until June 1, he already has other great offers.

@Harding what is the waitlist hack for Clemson?

is there merit/ financial aid included in these packages?


It is listed in posting #1182

In-state, my son just received his bridge letter. The waitlist hack didn’t work for him, but the regular hack and bridge both worked. This is because bridged students basically live on Clemson campus. His stats were low: 3.50 gpa unweighted and 1060 SAT.

Any engineering students hear from CU yet??

Looking at the thread from 2023 it appears most kids that got off the waitlist were only admitted for spring and not fall. Is that typical?


Oh sorry, sent to the wrong person…the waitlist hack is in post #1182.
Sorry @artist2233.

Has anyone in MA heard back?

@ArbonneMom my son. bridge letter in the mail today

LivD99, we’re in MA and my daughter was accepted today. Just fyi, the hack worked because the message changed late last week from “No token found” to “Does not match token on record”. 3.83/1210 - top ranked MA high school.

those who received acceptance packages: is there any financial aid/ scholarship information inside?