Clemson Class of 2024

They don’t put the value for anyone. No one knows yet. My son was accepted in Nov. and he still doesn’t know the amount. Clemson will notify you sometime this month but no idea when.

@kd3304 She auditioned the week before. This waiting is awful! But my daughter reminds me that they said it would be mid February (she’s doing better than I am!). Meanwhile it feels like every kid in our neighborhood has received notification - either bridge, acceptance etc. I will not try hack. Just hoping we hear something soon!

For the parents on here – I am a current 2x Clemson Mom and my hs senior just got into Bridge (which is a new experience for us but we are happy to have the opportunity). For great info and community consider joining the following Clemson FB pages: CLEMSON UNIVERSITY PARENTS and
CLEMSON MOM CARMEN (this is a group for parents run by a local Mom who started delivering bags of feel-better-treats to kids who were sick on campus – but it has become a great place to ask questions and get recommendations. I asked about Bridge on there and there is a lot of great info from current parents.) There is also a CLEMSON CLASS OF 2024 page for the kids. Good luck to everyone wherever you may end up! And if you are coming to Clemson WELCOME! Go Tigers!!

Thank you, that is very helpful so I can figure out what my likely cost will be!

Someone plz chance me…
1st choice- nursing
2nd choice- business
7 APs 1 dual all others honors
Gpa 4.75
Sat- 1330

Class rank- top 4%

Tigertown Bound packet arrived today! My D is going to be thrilled!

Act 34
GPA 3.8 UW 4.0W
3 AP and 3 Honors- school does not offer many AP classes and limits the number then can take.
School doesn’t rank
A lot of Service, volunteers at hospital
On 2 Varsity sports all 4 hrs of HS

Is the summer Bound program for those that are at the lower end? Summer Bound starts in June and ends in August. My daughter graduates HS in June. We are from MA. It is a Congratulations you are admitted but have to attend summer bound session in order to go in the fall. That is a deal breaker. She needs to work this summer for school is just one issue with this unexpected curve ball. Pre-business 3.9 GPA 1380 SAT.

@pepagain. Thanks for the info. My daughter was waitlisted . OOS with what I think are very strong stats. Any advice? She is devastated.

Yes, TMcDMil, same with us. Tears of joy turned to tears of sadness at the summer bridge requirement, plus no aid. So, likely adios Clemson…but still grateful for the envelope. Don’t mean to be disingenuous to those waitlisted today that really wanted it. Hang in there…we are definitely pulling for you. Maybe our daughter’s spot can go to one of you!

Has any psych majors been accepted?

Dear Lord…if you’re out of state and taking the Summer Bridge program, the bill is roughly $12k…for TWO classes, housing, and food. Maybe that’s par for the course, but it sounds exorb.

Accepted in Philadelphia suburb for Fall 2020.
Son said the envelope is so much more exciting than on line notification.
1st choice major, business.
Good luck to all!

oos Illinois, daughter accepted as Biochemistry major. 1400 SAT, 10 AP’s, 4 Dual credit classes, 4.3 weighted GPA, but no merit. Her school doesn’t rank so perhaps that was an issue.

Could it be that business, nursing, and engineer majors heard first? All of my hacks worked. Two friends got in for business but i have not heard anything back as a psych major. Hoping it is going by major.

How do applicants receive their decision regarding the honors college? Is it through a portal? iROAR?

DS Accepted into engineering and he is very excited. The hack changed last week for him so it seems its a viable way to tell decision.
We live in eastern NC so if any others are waiting in this area, be patient as they are OTW.
Good luck to everyone and congrats to everyone who was accepted.

Accepted OOS (Mass) into the Prebusiness program! So excited.

3.54 gpa
1430 sat
32 act

@LivD99 - My daughter is a Psych major and she hasn’t heard yet. We’re in OH. If the waitlist hack worked, then she’ll be waitlisted. Her stats are on their lower end (27 ACT, wgpa 3.98). Medical issues sophomore year affected her gpa, which I doubt they’ll consider since they don’t read essays much/consider EC’s much (according to the admissions officer we heard speak), which is her strength, unfortunately. She’ll end up where she’s meant to be- (and so will you!)- but i know that might not be much consolation when you have your heart set on a particular school. Good luck to you- I hope you get good news!

@KJJ2020 Thank you! Waitlist hack doesnt work for me. Other two hacks worked early last week. Good to know im not the only one to not hear back yet! My guess is that it is the major. Good luck to your daughter!