Clemson Class of 2024

@LivD99 psych major here. waitlisted from TX. waitlist hack worked, token hack worked, bridge hack worked (said not eligible).

Hello! Daughter just received her Tiger Town Bound envelope in CA and is thrilled!! Psych major, 4.24, Act 28

@KJJ2020 My DD had medical issues last year which affected her gpa due to lower grades and she received her acceptance today for engineering. So Iā€™d like to believe that they do read the essays and take everything into consideration. More to a person than just perfect grades and perfect test scores. Iā€™ll cross fingers for your daughter.

@txtry2024 Im sorry to hear that. Do you mind sharing stats/when you received your letter? Im in MA, so pretty far away!

@txtry2024 Also, do you mean the waitlist hack told you that you were offered a spot on waitlist?

Waitlisted. Thanks but no thanks

Son accepted today:
OOS (Maryland)
1510 SAT
No GPA - School doesnā€™t report
Mix of Aā€™s and a couple Bā€™s in the highest rigor possible
Baseball and Football Captain
Some merit aide
Waiting on honors college notification

D received Tigertown Bound envelope today in IL! When should we expect financial aid info?

@emt2002 I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s possible for anyone to guess who has a shot at an acceptance. Leads to disappointment. Everyone has good stats but the school canā€™t take everyone and nobody has a clue what admissions is looking for in a student. My D was deferred by 5 schools for engineering yet Clemson & Penn State accepted herā€¦

@jmsstb - thank you! And Congratulations to your daughter! Iā€™m so happy to hear that she was accepted! :slight_smile:

@LivD99 - if the waitlist hack didnā€™t work for you- itā€™s possible you have good news coming to you! But @jmsstb is right- it IS really tough to figure out how schools are going to determine acceptances. Iā€™m sure it varies from AO to AO too. I guess we all have to have faith in the process and in knowing that each student will end up where they need to be!

@LivD99 correct. My token hack changed last week to say it didnā€™t match the code on file, then the bridge hack said it couldnā€™t find me in the system. Today I tried the waitlist hack and it said ā€˜welcomeā€™ and to select if I wanted to accept my waitlist status or not. Then I got the white envelope in the mail today saying I was waitlisted. If the token hack worked for you and the bridge and waitlist do not, sounds like you have a great chance of acceptance. My guess is that the straight denials arenā€™t as vocal because they arenā€™t as active on these boards? Thats why you see so many waitlist and acceptances. Or maybe straight denials havenā€™t gone out? Good luck!

My daughter received her Tigertown Bound envelop today in Michigan for pre-Business
We will be in the area on 2/18 so another visit is planned
No merit mentioned
Clemson is her #1 choice but if no merit is offered to off-set some of the OOS cost she has UMich-Ann Arbor to fall back on

To answer all questions, Clemsonā€™s website says ā€œIncoming freshmen students will be notified of their financial aid award packages by March 1, 2020.ā€

I was sadly waitlisted. Does anybody know my chances of getting off it? Or where I could potentially access stats to see how many were accepted off of it in past years?

@KJ2020 @txtry2024 thank you!

DS accepted, Engineering
OOS (Southeastern VA)
3.9 GPA
1330 SAT
6 APā€™s, 3 DEā€™s

@mweb136 did your daughter hear from Clemson ? I know you started this chain back in August and had great advice over the months ! Fingers crossed ??

My daughter received her Tigertown Bound letter today, Clemson Nursing ā€˜24! OOS in Arizona.

@Drich21 how sweet are you and thank you very much for asking! Sadly my daughter was offered the bridge program. I say sadly because she already has taken all her gen eds with a 4.0 at community college half day program so there would truly be nothing for her to take at the bridge and it would only set her back in time and financially . We did send in an appeal already today and ??. Thank you again for reaching out and I hope you received good news!

@mweb136 I think you have a great case for an appeal. They made a mistake with one of my kidā€™s applications back in 2015 and they ended up changing her offer to admit with a scholarship. If it is really what she wants,. definitely make all the calls and send the emails!! Some times they just mess up and with her stats it definitely seems like that is the case. Good luck!