College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

I took another look at the NACAC list.

Several schools have been added in the last week or so it doesn’t tell you what majors are ope. . There are several big state schools that are still that are popping up on that list. Including The Ohio state university, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Colorado Boulder, Colorado state, etc. We are taking another look.

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surprises me to see Hampshire on there.

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It seemed like from what I read about last year, not too many ‘20s actually took a gap year but any extra competition makes an impact.

Schools with WLs are higher end, and potentially high stat international students replaced some lower stat Americans to make it look roughly flat but all the same more competitive in ‘21 v ‘20 for WL schools. Then there is TO, which pushed some down into tier 2 or 3 schools. I’m guessing those had higher than expected yield generally. All speculation on my part of course.

Wow! Hampshire there too? Will talk to my son tonight to take another look :-))
It’s an Elite small private school, right? Wondering if there is any finaid left there.
Thank you.

Maybe you are confusing Hampshire with Hamilton.


I wouldn’t necessarily recommend going to Hampshire or I would be very cautious. They almost closed down permanently a year or two ago. Do some research.

If I received a few local scholarships, should I update the universities I am waitlisted at? I’m not sure if they count as real awards.

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anybody hear anything or have any news on Boston College?

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Are many colleges delaying their WL offers this year? If I check out last year’s forums…most had already offered a few WL waves of offers by this time. Could it be because of low yield expectations they offered acceptances to more students and most enrolled so WL is light this year (even though I had read experts say that colleges will end up using more WL this year, maybe even as much as last year due to COVID related uncertainties around the world)? Or maybe WL offers will roll in but much later than expected this year after the colleges know what’s happening with international students?
Any thoughts?


Is somebody working on a book about this year‘s admissions? Plenty of Material for a dramatic story arc.


TO is a total wildcard. The yield has to be much higher in this category assuming that most TO students had lower scores that otherwise would have made their applications less competitive if submitted.


Did you chose to stay on their waitlist?

yeah, Hampshire is a small LAC, but definitely struggling just now.

Friend’s son just got off the WL at Pratt Institute for Art.


Notre Dame just closed the wait list. :skull_and_crossbones:

Has anyone heard anything regarding the University of Washington waitlist?

Someone on another thread said Yale just closed theirs also.

Is there a school that is not full? It’s crazy. The article posted in the ‘21 parent thread and the UC one in the LA Times are the only ones I’ve found since May 1. Nobody is really reporting good info.

Plenty of schools have so many open spots, just not very many of the “prestigious” schools.


on the reddit thread yesterday there were a few NYU Tandone WL admits and a couple for Pomona as well. (a set of twins! well done, mom, lol!)