College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

I am not really familiar with NYU but I thought people did say they had taken people off the waitlist, so maybe there is still some movement there.


Youā€™re right on the money with that info !!

Plan B is really great too ā€¦ I just hoped that the schools ā€œdo the right thingā€ (Big up to Spike L?) and give closure

It really must be crazy at the various AOs

Honestly, I think no one knew what to expect this year. Thatā€™s pretty obvious by the huge number of kids on waitlists. Then itā€™s been said that some crazy high number of kids took gap years and re-applied. I heard something like 25% but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s really true. Then add in the ones who took gap years and didnā€™t re-apply but just deferred their spots.

Iā€™m grateful my son had any acceptances when looking back. Not sure what we could have done differently, probably nothing tbh, but no doubt there are a lot of kids that got some bad advice, us included, but it worked out for us in regards to not having to settle. But having said that, nothing is permanent and kids can always transfer. Plenty will. I did when I was in college and it was not a big deal. It was the right choice for me at the time.

I agree though, at some point by now schools should have some idea of whatā€™s going on with their waitlists and should be able to tell a fair amount of people on them that they wonā€™t have a spot for them. If Yale has over 1000 on it but a class not much bigger, then they are obviously not taking most of those students so just tell even half of them, sorry we canā€™t take you this year and not string them along.


:clap: absolutely

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From reddit thread - wellesley not officially closing waitlist, but informed WL students that the class is full as of now and they will not pull until possibly July (summer melt).

ETA: JUNE not July, apologies, my error.

While not good for those students, kudos to them for having the common courtesy to do that.


I definitely feel that some of these top tier colleges could take some of these WL applicants off. Even if it turns out to be my sonā€¦

Whether it is based on major, FA, or fit, I am sure that their 2025 class topography must have come into focus by now?? There were only so many spots.

I had someone estimate that some colleges were potentially 70% full by RD, especially if they had high deferrals and EAs. This has stressed both parents and kids :pensive:.


No, there may still be time to send in a LOCI, ā€œI have selected a great school, yet my interest in XYZ school is still very strong. If I were to be accepted I would choose to go to your school.ā€

I made a lot of posts on this thread but never really explained my app or situation for NYU. Let me know what you guys think my chances off the waitlist are based on my app.

Stats -
SAT - 1510 (710 Eng, 800 Math)
GPA before senior year (91.92) after senior year (92.40)


  • Manager of one of the biggest tutorials in NYC for 2 years into present (11,12)
  • Basketball Club 2 years (9,10)
  • Volleyball Club 2 years (9,10)
  • Model UN member 2 years (11,12)
  • Private Tutor(9,10)
  • Volunteer for Tutoring Center for less fortunate (10,11)
  • Volunteer at OLD middle school tutorial (10,11)

All my ecs had 4 hours 52 weeks a year.

I GOT WAITLISTED at TANDON FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE. Please let me know what you guys think of my application! I also applied ED1

Iā€™m not sure about NYU specifically, but both schools I was waitlisted at say unranked so Iā€™m not sure how much things like SAT scores matter at this point. I think they look for people with characteristics to round out their class, although Iā€™m not sure what exactly that means. You seem like you have as good a chance as you can, but getting off of the waitlist is not always possible (regardless of stats and ECs). Best of luck!

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Claremont sounded like it was fullā€¦ didnā€™t sound like theyā€™d be using the WL. Emailed today.

Received an email today saying son was eligible to attend Purdue- FTWayne campus if heā€™d like.

He would not.

Is this end game ? Are they trying to get us to break up with them? But keep the tuition in the family?

UT Austin offered similar to loads of crazy qualified kids this year. If he were liberal arts, itā€™s a decent deal. UT guarantees a transfer next year. But not for engineering.


We got the same email last week & my son declined. I think they donā€™t have any space left in the main campus. They also offered my son a transfer to main campus next year but he didnā€™t want it.

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Your son also declined his offer for NYU spring right. Do you think anyone else will get his spot or will there be no waves for tandon

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Could be the end of the road for Purdue as theyā€™ve over-enrolled in many of their majors. Months ago my son who was accepted for CS received an email they that were already over-enrolled for that and they would not be accepting any inter school transfers next fall for CS. I think Engineering has also since filled up.

As for UT, I donā€™t think their cap program ever offers transfers into Engineering anyway and itā€™s very hard to transfer in internally since everyone applies to a specific major. Even those already in engineering there, have difficulty transferring to a different engineering major or CS or McCombs.

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Yes, he declined NYU Tandon. It seems like they didnā€™t have any spots left in the fall class and hence they were offering spring spots to the WL students. However, with some melts, there could be space later on.

What do you mean by melts could you clarify

That means the students who might have accepted now (paid the deposit) but wont join due to being accepted at other WL etcā€¦

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It is a bit surprising to me that it seems like many schools are overenrolled. I thought I heard early in the admission season that the number of applicants was about the same as previous years, but the number of applications per student was up. I actually posted in March that I thought all the talk of waitlist movement was way overblown, so I am not necessarily surprised by the lack of WL movement at top schools, but I canā€™t figure out how so many schools can be over-enrolled. I guess that means a lot of tier 2-3 colleges are under-enrolled, and we just donā€™t hear as much about that. Also, I suppose this could be the 2020 gap year effect. I guess I am answering my own question but it still is hard to wrap my head around the thought that it appears that many schools are going to be dealing with over-enrollment this year.


Bowdoin is full