College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

I heard that U of Tampa (while this is not a WL comment) has informed a large group of freshman parents who paid their housing deposits as early as March that there is no available housing. Many parents are frustrated feeling that they were misled with a promise of “guaranteed housing” if deposits were paid by May 1. These kids passed up many other scholarships and offers to attend and are now forced to find alternative arrangements at higher cost. This is terrible and I fear may only be the beginning.

Purdue over-enrolled by 1200. Or maybe they won’t say that but their class this year has 1200 more students than last year and it’s their biggest class ever as well as the biggest freshman class (over 10k) in the Big 10. That is huge considering how big MIchigan, UIUC and OSU are as student populations.

Michigan recently (before the CDC made their announcements) suddenly made a change to their housing to allow for trips and quads after saying the entire spring that for next year they are only allowing housing at 80% and no trips or quads. Now by allowing them, they can stick 25% more kids in the dorms. I won’t be surprised if/when they release their numbers and they’re huge. I don’t think anyone got off the waitlist. I’m pretty concerned about how freshman registration is going for my kid there but he’s at least in the first block.

replying to parentucia re UCLA - on the reddit thread a couple of kids got in today.

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My conspiracy theory brain tells me that colleges are probably ok being over-enrolled (and ask for forgiveness) rather than be under-enrolled and struggle financially. They can figure out the housing issues and the parent complaining issues - mostly by jamming kids into triples and quads, then asking for forgiveness and giving a small discount

Don’t think they’ll be giving any discounts, but they definitely want the $, especially after the big losses these schools took last year.

But agree that they’ll figure out the parent complaining issues, and in most cases, just continue to ignore and move on!

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You can jam more kids into triples and quads but classrooms have size limits. And faculty won’t be pleased if their load increases!

Please help!!! My son had a real hard time through the admissions process. Waitlisted at a number of schools and we have new information. He just received 3 awards from his senior awards night; AP Scholar, Digital Game Dev Student of the Year and Math Student of the Year. Is it worth appealing, and if so, how do you do this? Any advice is appreciated.

You can send the new information to each school where he is waitlisted. It isn’t considered an appeal. Lots of kids are sending updates as they get them to their waitlist schools.
Be aware that some schools have closed their waitlist.
Good luck!

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If he’s still on waitlists that haven’t closed yet, he should definitely send a LOCI and his updates. It can only help him at this point and it shows he is still interested in the school. AP Scholar he would have known last year when he applied as would the colleges since that is based on his scores from prior years so that’s not as big award as the other two which depending what his interests are he should definitely highlight and in order of importance. If he has a school that is his first choice he should also state that he would 100% go there if accepted. But only say it if he truly means it assuming financial aid is not an issue.

Carleton College WL closed

Easy fixes. Add more sections and hire adjuncts. Terrible temporary solutions, but solutions nonetheless.

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Is there a Princeton WL thread - can’t seem to find it…

Family friend got into Wharton last night. Now has to decide whether to withdraw from Duke and take the Penn offer.

Yes. My guess is that they still need to fill up a few classes too. I wish we knew which core or majors this entails. This is where just a little more transparency could help.:roll_eyes:

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Space is an issue on some campuses, just saying. You can’t add more sections if rooms are booked all day and into the evening (speaking as someone who works in higher ed).

We can go back and forth all day. There are many universities who are notorious for over enrolling. If they don’t have the teachers, they hire temp adjuncts. If they don’t have the physical space, they add remote sections. (Speaking as someone who pays full price for his kids remote courses).

I ask you, what do you think a school does when they over enroll? Send them home?

“Add more sections and hire lousy adjuncts.”
The problem with employment in higher ed is not the existence of lousy adjuncts. Due to oversupply of PhDs in some areas, the adjuncts are quite good but underpaid. Sometimes have to pay more than regular faculty for parking while not being provided with an office.


Fair point. I will edit my unfair comment.

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Davidson has reached their enrollment goal and asked every person on the list if they’d like to remain there for the summer in case a spot or two opens up. (I said no-- I’m going to Macalester :slight_smile: )


Have any other people heard from UW Madison about the waitlist?

My daughter’s best friend is going to Macalester

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