College Class of 2025 Waitlist Thread

Ooh!! That’s awesome!! Tell her to look for the Discord link on the 2025 Facebook and join if she hasn’t already!

Any waitlist activity for Middlebury College?

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We were wondering that, too! Haven’t heard of any but they haven’t communicated that they are full, either!

That’s my read of the situation as well. Thanks!

Also curious about that. Understatement, it’s killing me not to hear anything at all!

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What do you think it means if you get a call from an AO to “just check in”? my son wasn’t able to pick up the phone so it was a voice mail. Do think they are offering continued waitlist status or a potential offer?

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“As of now, our Class of 2025 is looking close to full, so we may not see much (or any) wait list activity. We will certainly be in touch when we have an update as to where things stand.” I kept contacting them and this is the same message I get over and over again…

Call usually means a potential offer. All the best to your son. Which college is this?


Yes! Call back! What school is it?

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They called back - he was offered a spot at Pomona today & will likely take it.


@mamam69 AWESOME!! Congratulations to him. :slight_smile: :+1:

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I just saw that Emory closed their waitlist.

Yep, they just announced that they only took 20 kids from the WL between Emory and the Oxford campus.

congrats @mamam69 !!!

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Cornell has closed their waitlist for Arts & Sciences. No word yet on the other programs.

Thanks! Please post if you hear anything new.

Anything on Vanderbilt or JHU?

Did everyone get the email from Bowdoin saying they are closing their waitlist?

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Scripps closed their waitlist Friday.

Hi, cause Im not in the US so I wonder if it is possible for you to call Middlebury? They have been absolutely mute since decision date and when I emailed my AO again a bit ago she replied me with the same message that she did before. Cant schools just do something, at least let some kids go and stop waiting? This is frustrating and with the COVID situation, it is unfair of them to let class of 25 wait like this.