College life seems not so fun at all.....

<p>I felt so upset after I entered, I even didn't know what club should I join???? How come this happen?? Who can tell me what should I do if I want to get in more quickly to the college life??</p>



<p>Dive in. Check out a variety of activities. Attending a club meeting doesn’t mean you’re making a 4-year commitment to the club; you’re just checking it out to see what it offers.</p>

<p>Have the guts to check out anything that may interest you even if you have never tried something like that before. Particularly college freshmen are not expected to be skilled at organizations and activities. College is the best time in your life to try new things. Organizations usually give you a warm welcome, and are patient at teaching you what you don’t know.</p>

<p>Using alcohol as a lubricant is not a good idea because you can make a complete fool of yourself or may end up with people whom you wouldn’t enjoy if you weren’t drunk.</p>

<p>If you are shy or lack social skills, get help from your college counseling center, which has plenty of experience helping students with those concerns. Saying this as someone who worked at a college counseling center.</p>

<p>alchohol is the only reason people find college fun</p>

<p>Join clubs that are doing something you like or enjoy doing. Only you know. It’s different for different people. But you don’t have to join club, or alcohol to have fun. Do you enjoy meeting a lot of different people?</p>

<p>Instead of spending your Friday nights studying for a test you already know you’re gonna ace, try going out. Meet new people, have some fun.</p>

<p>Parties, football games, road trips, substance abuse, meeting new people, owning tests, winter/spring break.</p>

<p>get a “sober friend” and drink your ass off. if necessary, do it in a club.</p>

<p>Are you kidding me? Alcohol, parties, fornication plus A/Bs. College is a blast!</p>