Colleges 3-4 hours away from NYC?

Hi! If possible can you list the names of some schools that are science-oriented/have good science programs that are about 3-4 hours away (via driving of course) from the NYC area? It can be less, it can be more, but about 3 because I don’t want to venture too far from home haha. You can also list ones in NYC!
And the rate of selection of the school or the average GPA/SAT score accepted etc doesn’t matter, just list as many as you’d like and I’ll look through them myself.
P.S. No Ivy Leagues please! If there even are any within that range.
Thank you!

I would encourage you to take advantage of the college search tool on the College Board’s site. It allows you to select for distance from your location, desired majors AND a whole bunch of other criteria too. You can then click on the colleges in your search results to view their whole profiles including admissions statistics, etc.

There is also a Supermatch link on the left column under FIND A COLLEGE, for this board. There just isn’t any point to listing hundereds of colelges for you. Also you already had some initial feedback from your old thread.

Read this before asking for college suggestions:

What are you planning on studying. What’s your max budget? How high is your CR and Math?