<p>What are some good universities that are about 2 or less hours away from New York City? I'm a high school senior living in New York City and I want to go away to college but not too too far. Something like Stony Brook would be ideal for me but I also want to know about other colleges that are near. ( they don't have to be in Ny state.)</p>
<p>I scored a 1940 on my first SAT:
Math - 660
Cr - 590
writing - 690
I'll be taking it again and hoping to get cr up to around 630ish.
My weighted high school cumulative average is a 101 and I've scored between 3-5 on 5 Ap tests ( taking 2 this year.) I might be valedictorian but I'll definitely be in the top 5 or 10 students in my class. </p>
<p>Obviously I'm not looking for ivy league or anything like that, I'm hoping for schools where I'd get some money from scholarships/financial aide. </p>
<p>For a choice in selectivity, “campus vibe”, and locations: Sarah Lawrence, Connecticut College, Drew, Iona, Vassar, Marist, Quinnipiac, Ramapo, TCNJ, Wagner.
If you take the Acela Express Philadelphia is actually less than 2hours away from NYC and there are lots of colleges there too.</p>
<p>With a lot of public transportation options right near campus, some Philly schools like Drexel, Penn (may be a bit of a reach), Temple, etc. might be worth it to consider. It takes less than 2 hours to get from Philly to NYC</p>
<p>Other SUNY schools nearby are SUNY Purchase and SUNY New Paltz.You might get merit aid from Hofstra, Adelphi, LIU, St. John’s, Marist, Quinnipiac and Pace. Check into Fordham as well. Go about a half hour further away and you can add Drexel, St. Joes, UScranton, and Siena.</p>