Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars

<p>I don’t know about the California schools but Texas A & M offers NHRP scholars $14000 spread over four years ($3500 per year). Most NHRP scholars are also eligible to apply for other merit scholarships. If you are out-of-state and your daughter is interested in the Corp of Cadets, any scholarship over $1000 qualifies her for an out-of-state tuition waiver as well. </p>

<p>D just learned she received the Chancellor’s Scholarship for Non-residents at University of Nebraska - $23,016 for 1st year covering full tuition plus a little extra.</p>

Look at University of Arizona

Can someone put together an update list of colleges that offer scholarships for National Hispanic Recognition Program recipients? This thread contains old information; some colleges no longer offer these scholarships.

@jfleit18: That sounds like a great project for you!

I called around and University of Arizona will meet full-tuition for OOS students, so I suspect the same will be for in-state. University of Central Florida offers $100,000 over four years, which pretty much covers OOS tuition but I am unsure if housing would be included in that.

I am a recipient and through my research for a school for myself i found that for the schools in Texas, the only school that offers anything is Texas A&M and they give you $14,000 over the four years. If you have the grades and scores that are conducive to becoming a scholar you might fare better just going to a university that offers nothing for nhrp but gives better merit scholarships.

Other Texas schools do offer some money for NHRP. TCU offers $2000/year for up to 8 semesters. UT Dallas used to offer scholarship automatically but now site says you will be considered for scholarship anywhere from $3000 per semester to full tuition plus stipend. It is not automatic anymore, but you still could get a great scholarship if you want to stay in Texas.

Well also if you are willing to go out of state and have the money for paying all of room and board, Arizona State University, Arizona University, and Florida Atlantic University offer full tuition and fees scholarships. You’d only have to pay like 9k for room and board and you’d still be able to get grants and outside scholarships. Those three schools will be the ones to contact you with the offers so you won’t have to seek them out, there’s probably more.

My NHRS daughter was offered the following Merit Based scholarships (didn’t qualify for needs based)
$100,000 + $1000 travel voucher for 4 years at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
$92,000 for 4 years at Willamette.

$120,000 year plus $1,500 study abroad + $250 travel voucher at University of Arizona.
$92,000 for 4 years plus a $10,500 work award and a $500 travel voucher for Denison University in Ohio.

Kenyon offered $60,000 per year + $1000 travel voucher.
Arizona State offered $100,000 for 4 years plus automatic honors college + $1000 research support and $1,000 travel abroad.
There were a lot of other smaller ones. This was last year, for the Fall class of 2015.
She had a weighted avg of 4.34 and unweighted 3.54 and she was in the top 26% of her class, but it was in a strong math & science program and she was applying as a biotechnology major.


Which of these were for NHRS? just the 2 Arizona schools?

By the way, I read on another thread that University of Arizona cut their NMF scholarship from 30K to 18K, so I assume this applies to NHRS as well.

If NMS decreased then so did NHRP.

Other notable schools that I’m applying to the still give NHRP money are BU for 20k a year, Northeastern for 30k a year, and ASU I think is full tuition.

University of Evansville in Indiana has free tuition for NHS. Daughter got a postcard and it was on there.

It looks like KU is still offering 10K per year which is full tuition for a resident but less than half for a non-resident.

ASU is vague. It says the amount varies?

Does anyone know what the cutoff score was for Texas?


I am not sure what region Texas is in but:

2014 National Hispanic Recognition Program Cutoff Scores

New England
Mid Atlantic 188
South 199
Southwest 182
Midwest 197
West 186

from this website:

ASU offered me full tuition with the condition of being in the honors college, all that’s left to pay is room and board. University of Arizona did end up having their funding cut, so their scholarship for NHRP students is now worth two-thirds of tuition.

My son took the new PSAT test in Ocfober. Does anyone know if the cut off for NHRP in California will be scored the same as past years?


It will not be scored the same.

Cutoff for the south for class of 2017 is 204