Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars

<p>It’s too bad about Auburn’s demographics. ~ 86% White is just way more than I’m used to unfortunately, but that’s probably why they offer so much money to Hispanics.</p>

<p>We have a good friend attending Auburn through his National Hispanic Scholarship. He is a Mech Eng major. He is really enjoying the school, getting a great education. Kudos to Auburn for offering this opportunity to well deserving kids.</p>

<p>I found a few more schools that give scholarship money for NHRP National Hispanic Scholar status. These are additions to those schools I listed earlier in this thread. I periodically continue searching and if I discover more schools I will add them to this thread. I strongly encourage a phone call to admissions/financial aid to confirm this info as well as to inquire if scholarships are still given to NHRP students. I obtained the info below by finding it in brochures or other university publications so relevant info may not necessarily be on the schools’ websites.</p>

<p>George Fox University (Oregon Christian University): National Hispanic Scholars, and National Achievement Scholars automatically receive a $15,000 scholarshipfrom George Fox University.</p>

<p>University of Illinois ( am only listing this because there was an earlier question of whether this school still gives NHRP scholarships. )
This award is restricted to tuition only. Student must be either National Achievement, National HispanicScholar, or National Merit Finalists.
Student must be resident of Illinois
Renewable four years with 3.0 GPA</p>

<p>LeTourneau University(Texas):Finalists in the National Hispanic Program, upon admission to LETU, are eligible for an additional $16,000 (awarded as $4,000 per year) on top of their LETU Merit Award. The LETU Office of Admissions receives a list of the highest scoring students and will verify applicants based upon that list. This award is renewable for continuous enrollment and maintenance of a minimum 3.40 cumulative GPA at the end of each spring semester…</p>

<p>St. Catherine University: CSC Scholarships for National Hispanic Scholars
($2,000 per year for four years)
Students recognized as National Hispanic Scholar semifinalists or finalists in the national competition are eligible for this award</p>

<p>Southeastern University:National Merit Scholars Award= $3,000 divided over first two semesters; may be received for up to eight consecutive semesters; full-time enrollment required,National Hispanic Scholars :Qualifying students must be named as a finalist in any of the programs listed above. Scholarships are renewable by maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.600 or higher.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt University-May give some scholarship. Saw it on older documents and need to call admissions office</p>

<p>Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT):National Scholarship Programs for Freshmen The Scholarship Selection Committee will givespecial consideration to students who have
been recognized for their academic potential by the following scholarship programs:
• National Merit Scholarship Program • National Achievement Scholarship Program • National Hispanic Scholars Program
RIT will automatically award Presidential and Merit Scholarships with a combined value of up to $15,000 in tuition support to students who have been recognized as semifinalists or finalists in any of these three national scholarship competitions.</p>

<p>State University of New York (College of Environmental Science Forestry)
National Scholarship Programs, The Scholarship Selection Committee will give special consideration to students who have been recognized for their academic potential by the following scholarship programs: National Hispanic Scholars Program
ESF automatically will award Presidential and Merit Scholarships with a combined value
of up to $6,000 to students who have been recognized as semifinalists or finalists in any
of these national scholarship competitions.</p>

<p>University of Maryland (Baltimore) Found pdf document that said they gave money ofr NHRP</p>

<p>Pacific Lutheran University –Found pdf document that said they give money for NHRP</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful and if anyone else finds others, please post them.</p>

<p>DS today received a very nice email from University of Iowa. In addition to what I earlier posted, they have added another scholarship to the mix for NHRP, you can get anywhere from 5K a year to a full-ride. Plus they said that your NHS status would grant you “automatic admission to Honors Program, special housing and priority for all registration.” It was a very nice letter and made me jealous of all of you. </p>

<p>If anyone gets a letter or email that has a bit more offered than originally posted, please post the new info here.</p>

<p>ITSV, you are awesome. My son was just accepted to the Naval Academy but I am going to make sure he looks at these opportunities too. Unfortunately, we already hearing that he was accepted early because of his minority status, not his NHS, Captain of 3 athletic teams, VP of school for two years, incredibly high GPA, etc…
Education brings opportunity. Your post made me emotional. Thank you again.</p>

<p>Do any of these scholarships apply to transfers? I’m at community college right now, but I was a National Hispanic Scholar and I’m looking to transfer to a four year program after I get my associate’s degree.</p>

<p>Update for Vanderbilt: DS and I visited Vanderbilt this week and spoke to admissions people. Although not listed on their website, they confirmed that a National Hispanic Scholar seeking admissions for fall 2010 would received the exact same thing as a NMF or National Achievement Scholar. NHS would receive a $5K scholarship for this award. If student received a different merit scholarship, then they would get $1500 for NHS status. The awards can be stacked. </p>

<p>Update for Villanova: Although not listed, when we met with admissions rep, Villanova said they would give some merit money for NHS. She did not specifiy the amount and said we would have to check with Hispanic Institute Office (I don’t know if I have that name correct.)</p>


If somebody said there are just too many Hispanics at UT for their comfort, would it be considered racist? Probably so. If you think there are too many white people someplace for your comfort then I think you are the one with the problem.</p>

<p>While I think that it may be short sighted to use any single factor to evaluate a school, it is true that often URMs find it uncomfortable to be in schools with extremely low numbers of students with similar backgrounds. Thus the development of groups like the Hispanic Assoc. of Colleges and Universities that work to promote college opportunities for Hispanic students:</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Association of Colleges and Universities - HSI Definition](<a href=“]Hispanic”></p>



<p>istv… thank you! great list.</p>

<p>I have two daughters both hispanic scholars. The older one is currently going to University of Alabama as a hispanic scholar and is enjoying it. As a parent I really appreciate how helpful they are there and highly recommend looking at them. She also considered UT and I was thankful she decided UA. I was way afraid she’d get lost there… btw… UA has a few other partial scholarships depending on SAT/ACT scores. (2/3 tuition for example - not related to ethnicity) </p>

<p>Also an update on UT Austin. they dropped their National Merit award so suspect also dropped NHRP. [University</a> of Texas Drops Merit Program for Need-Based Aid -](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Currently youngest looking at awards… just missed the 1400 SAT threshold for UA so list was timely.</p>

<p>About the demographics comment- our family is of mixed ethnicity but did not find it offensive. It might be some adjustment for hispanic students, but it can also be opportunity for great growth. Also most of the Universities have study abroad programs so even more opportunity to grow. Oldest now in Barcelona Spain as I write.</p>

<p>whoops sorry if I sound like I’m bragging… </p>

<p>thanks again!</p>

<p>Hi stickery and welcome to CC!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info on UA and update on UT.</p>

<p>BTW, bragging is allowed, I think it really helps to hear success stories!</p>

<p>The postman had to ring because the college info could not get into our box. Texas A and M $14,000 and maybe more…Stevenson in Maryland $10,000. Westminster in Utah offers a free ride worth $98,000 over 4 years. Nebraska says that the NHS designation may make him eligible for a full ride plus $2,000 for room and board. Other schools mention NHS designation and scolarship possibilities and honors programs in the same paragraph…see thread for schools mentioning NHS designation. I am starting to save all this and present it to our guidance counselors so they can try and get our freshmen and sophmores into PSAT prep classes–40% hispanic student body should have more than 2 NHS! We get quite a few really driven kids who make the ivies with free rides but many able but less spectacular students go to our local CC because of financial considerations and end up dropping out as they have to work to support their families when they live at home. NHS designation could give some the chance to get away and have a 4 year college education actually become reality. Also, these schools may help out kids without the designation but with capabilities and financial need. The schools want diversity and successful URM…they should be noted by our GC as “hispanic friendly” for future applicants.</p>

<p>Add Long Beach State to the List</p>

<p>Despite our poor economy here in California, I found this posting on a different high school website. the high school website link is this [Scholarships</a> CSU Long Beach President’s Scholars Program](<a href=“Home - Oakland Technical High School”>Home - Oakland Technical High School)</p>

<p>here is the link to scholarship for NHRP for Long Beach, <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here is what the other high school says will be awarded:</p>

<p>Scholarship: CSU Long Beach President’s Scholars Program</p>

<p>Sponsor/Organization: CSU Long Beach</p>

<p>Scholarship Amount: Full tuition, room and board, book allowance at CSU Long Beach and guaranteed acceptance into the university honors program.</p>

<p>Eligibility: Open to high school valedictorians (or ranked first in class), National Merit Finalists and Semifinalists, National Achievement and National Hispanic Recognition scholars. Students must apply to CSU Long Beach by November 30.</p>

<p>Online Application</p>

<p>Application Deadline: January 4,2010. Students must apply to CSU Long Beach by Nov. 30, 2009.</p>

<p>Additional Information: Application is completed online.</p>


<p>So there may be other opportunities at California state Schools for NHRP</p>

<p>Thanks “itsv” your information helped so much as my daughter was looking for a college. We did receive many letters from various school that you listed and were amazed at all the offers! We looked in Auburn because of your information and she has since been accepted and offered all that you listed! We will be taking a trip ito Auburn in the next few months. She has applied to a few other schools but she is leaning towards Auburn. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for putting all of this information out there for us newbie parents. I am fully armed and ready for when my two others are ready to go to college too. Thanks again!</p>


<p>What wonderful news about your DD and Auburn. I am so happy for both of you. Thank you also for your compliment. I look back at last February when we started the college process with my DS to today and am so thankful for all the posters on CC. Entomom and others have helped us tremendously. We were completely uneducated and naive. I am so glad that my info helped your daughter. It just amazes me that this information isn’t in one central location for everyone. I am working on that fact and hopefully in the next year will launch a website. I never intended to be an information clearing house but seeing how my own son and other hispanic seniors have been treated in this process, it is clear we must work harder at inspiring hispanic high school students to attend and graduate from college. There are many unknown opportunities out there.</p>

<p>Deejgee, I forgot to mention. Be sure to post your DD’s acceptances in the class of 2014 hispanic students acceptance thread in this forum. Seeing where this year’s hispanic senior are being accepted may be helpful to others.</p>

<p>I received a full tuition scholarship from Fordham for being a National Hispanic Scholar. I believe you also had to have at least a 1350 on the SAT and i think you have to apply EA, but im not 100% sure about that part.</p>

<p>Hey, this is a great post! It’s a shame I didn’t discover it sooner!!! :frowning:
So i must ask, is it too late to apply to Auburn University and still have a chance at receiving a scholarship? I made a 192 on the PSAT which qualified me for NHR and a 2140 on the SAT’s. Thanks for any advice!</p>


<p>According to the Auburn’s website, you have until Feb. 1 to apply. [Apply</a> - FAQ](<a href=“]Apply”>Undergraduate Admissions | Office of Undergraduate Admissions)</p>

<p>I don’t know if they have a separate deadline for an NHRP scholarship. You should 1) search the Auburn website, 2) call Auburn’s admissions office and ask, 3) see if Auburn has an office of Multicultural Affairs and explain your situation and ask them, and 4) contact your regional admissions rep from Auburn and call or send that person an email.</p>

<p>Don’t delay, get working on it if you are truly interested in Auburn. As others have posted, they are very generous.</p>

<p>Going through the list tonight for more details on these great opportunities, and I have a couple of comments:</p>

<p>Update on GWU, they guarantee a 15k/yr Presidential Academic Scholarship for NHS:</p>

<p>[Scholarship</a> and Merit Awards - The George Washington University](<a href=“]Scholarship”></p>

<p>The downside is that their tuition and fees are high:</p>

<p>[Costs</a> of Attendance - The George Washington University](<a href=“]Costs”></p>

<p>Question on OSU, looking at their website:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The wording is confusing, for the NHS Distinguished scholarship (worth in-state tuition, about 8.7k) it says at the bottom:</p>



<p>Then under the National Buckeye scholarship for non-Ohio residents (worth 7.2k), it states:</p>



<p>So, it sounds like these can’t be stacked (combined) for a total of 15.9k, is that a correct interpretation??</p>