Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars


<p>I’ll find out this week since my DS would qualify for the Hispanic Scholar and the Buckeye Scholarship. He also was nominated for Morrell Scholar and did the paperwork for that competition. He received a letter with his Honor College award and it said a separate merit award letter would be coming his way. I’ll call and post what info I get. Thanks for updating.</p>

<p>Best of luck to your S on the Morrell, that looks like a wonderful opportunity!</p>

<p>Since D1 went to UMichigan for a year and still has good friends there, it’ll be a little difficult to have D2 apply to OSU, but they’re a great school and have outstanding possibilities for merit aid. I’m definitely interested in hearing all about the scholarship process there.</p>

My son was a NHS, seriously considered considered ASU’s nice offer but ended up elsewhere. He is now a grad student happy at Univ of Redlands–music performance.</p>

<p>My sister called me today with questions. Her son is considering the Univ of AZ and Univ of New Mexico–anyone able to direct us to a “what it’s like there”. They are from CA, just south of Monterey-North of Santa Barbara.</p>

<p>THANKS for any direction.</p>

<p>WOW can’t believe how much more info here than we had for HS class of 2004!!! on CC</p>

<p>Welcome back lamom! Yes, I remember when you could know just about all of the other posters and could thoroughly research any topic when I jointed in 2004.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone here can help you with UA and UNM, if not, you might want to try posting on the general College Search and Selection forum or the individual college subforums for those schools.</p>

<p>Thanks entomom,
Info I found on U of NM website is not what sister was asking me about.
She thought Hispanic Scholars got full tuition AND rm & board automatically. I see this for just 15-20 of all applicants who apply for a special scholarship.


<p>I checked my son’s file of NHRP offers and here is what University of New Mexico stated in their letter to him dated, Nov. 2009. Letter was written by Corine Gonzales, Associate Director, Division of Enrollment Management, Office of Admissions and has in bold across the top “Scholarship Offer”.</p>

<p>"Dear Itsv DS:</p>

<p>On behalf of the students, staff and faculty at the University of New Mexico, I am please to congratulate you on having been rocognized as National Hispanic Scholar! …As a National Hispanic Scholar, you are guaranteed a full scholarship (including tution, fees, room and board). This scholarship is valued at more than $100,000 over a four year period. to accept this offer, apply for admission at <a href=“Office of Admissions | The University of New Mexico”></a> by February 1, 2010."</p>

<p>There is then a box which breaks down teh cost which would be $25,031.60 per year (tuition, fees, r&B) and the estimated value of $25,475 of the scholarship per year.</p>

<p>“Please feel free to contact Crystle Collier at <a href=“”></a> if you would like further information regarding this offer…”</p>

<p>So Lamom, your sister is correct based on the letter by son received that it is a guuaranteed offer.</p>

<p>With respect to Arizona, I had my son apply there last month because they sent him a free application and I thought had a similar guaranteed scholarship. He just got accepted yesterday and although his letter gave him an Arizona Excellence award of 4K per year and a mac book, there was no mention of a NHRP offer. I checked thier website and it says he is guaranteed honors program and $25K a year so I am going to call admissions on Monday and will report back what they said.</p>

<p>I hope my info is helpful and good luck.</p>

<p>Dear itsv,
THANKS, great info. I don’t remember finding this offer in 2003/2004. I do remember OSU & Oklahoma butdeon wasn’t interested. I remember ASU being so nice. </p>

<p>It is very different finding info when the kid isn’t yours.</p>


<p>Sorry for the disconnect, I was responding to your comment:</p>



<p>and thought that you wanted general information about these 2 colleges (atmosphere, academic environment, location, student body, etc.). So I was directing you to other forums here on CC where you might get more responses, since this subforum is relatively small.</p>

<p>Glad itsv was able to provide what you needed.</p>

I needed both types of info. I did go to other college threads for atmosphere type info. Might not have if you had not suggested :).</p>

<p>hey guys,
I’m a Hispanic scholar who applied to ASU in early January. And I’ve done tonssssss of research as to how much $ I might get from ASU and I still have no idea because they’ve lowered their award amount
any of y’all have an idea as to what they might offer??</p>

<p>This is the new scholarship plan from ASU. If you’re OOS $17k/yr and in state $11k/yr</p>

<p>AZ Resident Non-Resident
National Achievement, Merit, Hispanic Awards $11,000 $17,000
President’s Award $9,000 $13,000 - 15,000
Provost’s Award $7,500 $10,000 - 12,000
Dean’s Award $2,750 $8,000 - 10,000
University Award N/A $4,000 - $6,000</p>

<p>I called University of Arizona and didn’t really get very far but left a message. The voice of the person in charge of recruitment for NHRP, Natalie Shue, said that honors college admissions would have been included in a student’s acceptance letter. Since my son’s did not and he is NHRP, then it looks like it fell through the cracks. I will post what I learn upon receiving a call back which Ms. Shue said would take about 3 days.</p>

<p>Heard back from Natalie Shue via email (quick response surprised me). Apparently if you are a National Hispanic Scholar and are accepted this year to Arizona and your acceptance letter does not say you are in Honors College or the merit award for NHRP, it means that you were incorrectly entered into Arizona’s computer with the wrong status. Ms. Shue said that they have corrected my son’s file in their system, that they are issuing him a new acceptance letter which will reflect his acceptance into Honors College and a merit award of $100K (25K per year). Unfortunately the Arizona Excellence Award of $4K per year is being taken back since the NHRP award supersedes it but they are checking if he can keep the MAC Book if he decides to go there.</p>

<p>I know one other student on CC had the same kind of letter so contact Natalie Shue via email to get your status corrected.</p>

<p>i’m OOS… can the OOS scholarship of $17k/year be combined with those other scholarships? (President’s Award, Provost’s Award, Dean’s Award, University Award N/A)</p>

<p>No you cannot stack these merit scholarship. But you can look for other scholahips [Scholarships</a> | Arizona State University](<a href=“]Scholarships”> The overall scholarships for ASU have been reduced.</p>

<p>Can NH scholarships lead to other scholarships? We met a really bright kid at a senior visit weekend at a T-20 university. The school we were visiting (very expensive) supposedly tries to match other scholarships at other schools so although they don’t have a special scholarship for NH Scholars, getting an offer from another uni could really help negotiate for a merit award. A current student (also hispanic) who is an acquaintance of my S told him that she had managed to get close to a free ride between merit and FA by using this strategy. My S did not apply to schools he was not seriously interested in, but he hopes to get some NH related scholarships at a couple and then try to get equivalent from his top choices that don’t have specifically NH related scholarships. Does anyone else have success stories about this strategy? The only worry I have about this is that there is an incentive to apply to the very generous schools (Alabama, Arizona, etc.) just as a negotiating tool rather than as serious potential candidate.</p>

<p>I know it happens with need based FA (with equally ranked schools), but I personally haven’t seen it with merit aid. I would love to hear from people that have though, and also would be interested in which top 20 school that was.</p>

<p>hey so i know many schools offer full scholarships for National Merit Finalists, do you think they would offer a similar type scholarship for NHS even if they don’t advertise it on their website, I was hoping Northeastern did and i sent an email but haven’t heard back yet.</p>


I didn’t respond to your question because I don’t know of any schools that give NMS type of scholarships for NHS if they don’t post it on their website. This is not to say it doesn’t happen, I just haven’t heard of it. Never any harm in asking as you did with NEU.</p>