Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars

<p>PJ, If your sister doesn’t meet Auburn’s 1330 SAT minimum, have her take the ACT. The minimum on that is 30. I’ve heard (from an unofficial but relieable source) that Hispanic kids tend to do better on the ACT. I know my two children did. Let me know if you have any questions about Auburn. My daughter is a freshman this year.</p>

<p>Just got fist offer of NHRP scholarship for D- from Fordham U. It says full ride for 4 years if GPA etc. are in order. Great deal if it weren’t that its not a school she is interested in! DOH! I am gonna tell her to put it on her safe school list–hey if you have to get into your safe school at least if its free that makes it a lot nicer. She also got an offer for full ride to a state school but that was based on standardized state test scores. That school is ranked well below Fordham. Sadly, there are very few if any top 50 schools offering a break for NHRP scholars but I guess that is because they do not need to entice anyone. Anyway, the list so far is good–it has Fordham on it and its right. BU also appears coorect, I was surprised BU and Fordham are ranked same in US News. People tend to think of BU as the better school.</p>

<p>My S received a letter today from the University of South Florida with information about a scholarship that covers tuition for NHS. This university is emphasizing its commitment to National Hispanic Scholars.</p>

<p>D also got letter from University of South Florida.</p>

<p>And a letter from University of Nebraska Lincoln elibible for the Chancellor’s Scholarship.</p>

<p>Oct SAT scores make her eligible for Auburn full ride scholarship! I think she would choose University of Arizona over Auburn because of perception that the West is more her style (liberal, laid back, relaxed people) than the South. Will apply to both (have not received an unsolicited letter from either) and do more research. We are making a visit to Arizona soon. Still hoping a small school like Knox or Williamette will work out financially.</p>

<p>Good luck to all thru this crazy process!</p>

<p>Same letters here.</p>

Sounds like some great possibilities! Unfortunately Willamette is just up the road from us, so it’s a little too close for D2s comfort, but I hear great things about it. The campus looks very nice from what I’ve seen, just on the south end of downtown Salem. Probably the toughest thing to get used to for many people is our gray, rainy winters. But it makes for beautiful mountains and some good skiing if she’s interested in the outdoors.</p>

<p>People on this forum might want to check out this site:

[Center</a> for Student Opportunity - Opportunity Scholars](<a href=“]Center”> It is for first generation students so if it doesn’t apply here, maybe someone will know someone else who can use it. They have a lot of minority information concerning various colleges on their site.</p>

<p>Last year we did the NHRP scholarship school tour (Nebraska, Arizona, Auburn). I really thought my laid-back CA daughter would pick Arizona, but after a spirited football weekend on Labor Day of her senior year, she selected Auburn. After three months on campus, she says it was the best decision of her life. There are so many great opportunities for these kids, and keeping a really open mind was key in D finding her best match.</p>

<p>Sherigmom - thanks for info on Auburn. I hear a lot of good things about it. I’m going to encourage my daughter to keep an open mind about it. Do more research. Hopefully take a trip there in the Spring before final decision.</p>

<p>Macalester College. Top Ten LAC, located in St. Paul, Minnesota. $5000 per year merit for NHRP, plus grants for NHRP who demonstrate financial need can range up to $46,000per year, depending on need. Minnesota is cold in the winter, but this campus is beautiful, located in a hip area of St. Paul, attracts students nationally and internationally, elite, quality education! Heck, Kofi Anna, Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006) graduated in 1961 from Macalester! He states “Macalester’s academic excellence is deeply rooted in a reverence and respect for other cultures…The focus which I found here has never failed me.”</p>

<p>Knox has a scholarship for National Hispanic Honorable Mention! Up to $12,000 per year:
[National</a> Hispanic Scholarships | Knox College](<a href=“]National”>
This is the first scholarship I have noticed for Honorable Mention, there may be others that I have not noticed. This is a great opportunity!
My D is applying to Knox as a National Hispanic Scholar (Up to $16,000 per year scholarship).</p>

<p>^Thanks! I sent a PM to ashmonkey who was asking earlier about scholarships for Hispanic HM.</p>

<p>I received the following offers (many repeat):
Iowa State
Unniversity of Arizona
University of Texas (North?)
Univ of New Mexico
Univ of Nebraska Lincoln</p>

<p>And all this thanks to Entomom who responded that I still had time to contact Collegeboard. Many thanks for this website. Has anyone contacted or heard from the Ivy’s, or top tier schools in Engineering?</p>

<p>Glad that worked out for your S. I don’t visit the Chances forum very often so, that was a lucky catch. The Ivies and many other selective schools don’t offer scholarships, so they won’t respond with offers, however, NHRP will likely get your S on their radar for general mailings.</p>

<p>FYI: My D just got a letter which stated that this year at Westminster in Salt Lake City, they will only be offering 1 NHRP scholarship to someone around March. This changed this year as they used to give automatic full tuition scholarships to all National Hispanic Scholars.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update promom! Too bad to hear they’re limiting NHRP scholarships, guess it’s just another sign of the times.</p>

<p>I just checked Ball State’s site. They offer only $5k for NHS, not a full ride.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update and welcome to the Hispanic Students forum 3sonspr!</p>

<p>I’m adding UVermont (UVM). I don’t recall hearing about it earlier, but I haven’t checked all of this thread thoroughly. </p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> : Student Financial Services : University of Vermont](<a href=“Student Financial Services | Student Financial Services | The University of Vermont”>Student Financial Services | Student Financial Services | The University of Vermont)</p>

<p>It’s for 10k/yr and is part of the Green Mt. Scholarship. There are other non-NHRP merit scholarships offered by UVM, but at least for OOS students COA is quite high:</p>

<p>[Costs</a>, Financial Aid and Scholarships : Undergraduate Admissions : University of Vermont](<a href=“Undergraduate Admissions”>Undergraduate Admissions)</p>

<p>Adding on travel costs, it’s about 50k for OOS which I consider very high, comparable to UMichigan or a UC in cost. It’s in a beautiful location, but even with the 3 top academic (leaving out the community volunteer scholarships), merit would total about 20k/yr, leaving 30k COA.</p>

<p>This info is VERY helpful, thanks! Does anyone know when they release the cut off scores and when they notify you if you make NHS?</p>

<p>See the other NHRP thread, they notify in May, but you can call NHRP starting in about April and they will tell you the Regional cutoff scores. Take a look at post #243 of this thread, the first notification reported was 9/22 last year.</p>