Colorado College - ED and EA discussion thread (class of 2019)

<p>I got accepted! i am so excited and relieved! congrats to everyone!!</p>

<p>accepted! 32 ACT, 4.0 gpa

<p>Congrats to everyone accepted!! I applied EA but have pretty much accepted rejection. I’d love to go but my UW GPA is probably too low for consideration even. Plus I get the feeling that everyone who was in consideration got that email about switching to ED. I was holding a bit of hope until I heard that haha </p>

<p>@Jmbakh‌ Don’t lose hope! I’m sure that email didn’t mean anything, just stay positive and anyway they don’t just look at your scores so I’m sure you have a much higher chance than you think! :)</p>



<p>Well, what you perceive to be “not so great” grades may be in fact, very good…</p>

<p>My biggest issue is that Colorado is need-aware and I have pretty hefty financial need.</p>

<p>@Ctesiphon‌ I suppose you’re right, in comparison to the grades that students from my school usually have when applying for CC, they aren’t very high at all but I guess it’s relative. In terms of financial aid, I have heard of quite large amounts being given (between 20-60,000 dollars), myself included. </p>

<p>Yeah I’m going to hope for the best for sure! I’ve moved on a while ago just because my chances feel so slim but if I somehow got in that would make things so much easier. I’d probably apply to a few more schools regular but if CC was affordable I highly doubt that I wouldn’t go. </p>



<p>True, however need for financial aid is considered in the admissions process. While CC has given me a generous offer in the NPC, my high need may be a negative factor in my application.</p>

<p>We’ll find out! I do hope I get accepted, CC is a very cool place. I’ve already been rejected at WashU ED, and expecting rejection from UChicago EA on Wednesday. I was accepted at Tulane, but not near enough money to make it affordable. Would be great to be accepted somewhere I may actually be able to afford, like CC.</p>

<p>I thought I had pretty good essays too - my “design a block” was something along the lines of “Amateur Astrophotography 101”. </p>

<p>@ctesiphon I had a very large need for financial aid with only a 2010 on the sat, a 3.6 Weighted gpa, but very strong essays and I was accepted with basically all of my need met! Miracles really do happen so do not give up just yet! GOODLUCK TO EVERYONE APPLYING EA OR RD!!!</p>

<p>@surfsoccer18‌ was much of your financial aid loans rather than grants? </p>

<p>I applied ED and got accepted with a 32 ACT and 3.6 GPA (this is a generous estimate).
Best of luck to everyone who applied.</p>

<p>@alyzahq about 5% of the financial aid package was a combination of loans and workstudy. The rest was scholarships and grants! </p>

<p>EA decisions come out tomorrow!</p>


<p>About that “mid-year report” check box showing up, did anyone get accepted who did not see that beforehand? Because logically it would make sense for that to show up if one was admitted.</p>

<p>Can everyone check and see if they JUST got the mid-year report red box last night? Just wondering if it’s a global indicator, or selective???</p>

<p>My son now has the red mid-year report box. It was NOT there last night. We are all so nervous. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>I also have the red mid-year report box now–yesterday it was not there.</p>

<p>I DON"T HAVE THE RED MID-YEAR REPORT BOX!! Is that a bad sign? should I be worried? Oh no. </p>

<p>@earthtosienna‌ I was accepted and the red box showed up for me. However, there were several people who got accepted and the box did not show up! </p>