Computer based honors finalists

<p>I actually spoke to the person in charge CBHP to figure out whether I would be able to continue as a candidate for the program if I couldn’t attend the interview weekend, since I also have already committed to scholarship interviews that weekend. However, the person I talked to said CBHP is very flexible and that they will work with those who absolutely can’t make it.</p>

<p>Thank you! I will check into it right away and see what options exist.</p>

<p>Yes, there are always kids who come on a following week or weekend if they can’t make the CBH weekend. While that’s totally ok, you do miss out on meeting the other potential CBHers.</p>

<p>Thanks mom2. Unfortunately, we can’t go the next weekend either!!! Have you ever heard of anyone going prior to the invited weekend? When is Spring Break for UA?</p>

<p>^^ Last week of March. [Spring</a> 2013 Academic Calendar | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Spring”></p>

<p>I’m assuming if we haven’t gotten anything by now, we’re not finalists? I have other scholarship interviews that I need to purchase plane tickets for so it’d be nice to have confirmation but I guess I’ll just assume I’m rejected haha.</p>

<p>Not sure what’s going on - they said everyone would hear something by Friday but it’s not looking promising. I am also assuming a no but who knows. I guess if people had till 2/12 to decline we could hear next week…</p>

<p>Yeah, it sucks we haven’t heard anything yet. I hope we’ll know soon. Has anyone actually gotten a rejection yet? If rejections have already been sent out, we could be some of the people in limbo who might be asked to go if others decline, but since we haven’t heard of any rejections yet, I’m thinking it’s probably a no and they just haven’t bothered to tell us yet.</p>

<p>Last year my daughter got her email at 8:30 or 9:00 pm Mountain time. The email informed her that she was wait listed.</p>

<p>My daughter is an applicant. No “no” here either but of course no “yes” either. We are assuming it’s a “no.”</p>

<p>I didn’t know they had a waitlist. That’s interesting.</p>

<p>MissX- she was pulled from that waiting list and loves CBH. Don’t give up!</p>

<p>Oh that’s really cool! Congrats to her :slight_smile: I haven’t given up hope yet, don’t worry! But I’m also aware that the odds are against me at this point. On the bright side, I’ve been leaning away from research lately anyway, so it’s not anything I’m too heartbroken about :)</p>

<p>Last year, my daughter got her e-mail fairly late (well into the evening) on the last day of the week we’d been told decisions would be communicated. If they said you’d hear this week, you may still hear tonight or even tomorrow.</p>

<p>I am aware of half a dozen students who were invited to CBH out of the “reserve pool” last year. Since I don’t know that many people, I suspect there were even more.</p>

<p>Congrats to your daughter!</p>

<p>Well, I hope we hear soon either way! I’m hoping they send out rejection emails tomorrow. They did say it would be by Friday, and I just want confirmation even though I’m pretty sure of the answer. Maybe I’ll call Monday again if I still haven’t heard.</p>

<p>MissX - I’m thinking they aren’t going to have a waiting list this year. I would think it would be hard on the kids that were told that they “may” still get a chance to go IF other kids decline… So I’m sure they have a list of a few kids that they will give invites to if others decline but instead of telling them “maybe” they are having everyone wait it out.</p>

<p>Which might not be so bad if they hadn’t told us everyone would hear something by Friday. :frowning: Waiting sucks.</p>

<p>Some states here in the Northeast have suspended postal deliveries, perhaps in this situation it would be okay to call and inquire about your status.</p>

<p>Well, they’re supposed to email everybody rather than send a letter, but maybe they changed their minds? I think I’ll call Monday if we still haven’t heard anything. I really need to schedule flights for other interviews but I don’t want to until I have official confirmation that I’m out of the running for CBHP.</p>

<p>Just got an e-mail about CBH so those that are waiting with bated breath may want to check their account.</p>