Computer science

Hi All,
Can you please let me know any information on the following. it will be very helpful.

  1. Is there any disadvantage of being in computer science program in college of science and not being in Engineering college at Purdue? will there be less job or internship opportunities for computer science majors?

  2. When career fairs are happening for college of engineering, do college of science (computer science) students also get to attend it? Does computer science department have their own career fairs?

  3. Do computer science students attend any common classes with computer engineering?

  4. Computer science seems to have many tracks like software engineering, machine learning and so on… what is the most popular track? which of the tracks have more employment opportunities? can students select more than one track to study?

  5. What are the advantages of being in university honors? if student is both in computer science and honors program, what dorm is usually given to student?

  6. Edit: are there study abroad programs for computer science? how expensive are these programs?

I can answer a couple of your questions, but not all.

My understanding of the differences between CS in COS vs COE, in a very simplistic sense, is COS is more software oriented, and COE focuses more on hardware. I would suggest you look up the course of study for CS in both colleges to get a list of required classes/descriptions. I don’t think one is better or worse, it’s a matter of preference and interest.

CS has their own career fair and their own co-op program:

The main industry roundtable career fair is open to all students. I don’t think you’ll see any difference in internship/co-op opportunities.

Math classes will overlap but I think that’s about it. (Hopefully someone else will chime in).

Also no idea about what the most popular tracks are.

My daughter is in honors college. It’s been awesome. First off, honors students live in the honors residence hall (either North or South) regardless of major. It’s an interdisciplinary group that represents all majors and colleges across the university. Honors students get priority scheduling, honors advising, honors course, research opportunities, specific study abroad opportunities, leadership opportunities, etc… Fantastic program and worth the extra courses.

Here’s the link to CS study abroad programs:
There are links to the program costs on the website.

Please note that there are many of non major related study abroad opportunities that can fill gen ed requirements, honors requirements, or just for fun. They have everything from 1 week up to the whole week, domestic and international, at all price points.

Don’t hesitate emailing the COS to ask your questions directly if you need more information!

Thank you @momofsenior1 for helpful information.
D will email College of science for more information on computer science tracks.

@learning19 I had similar questions as well. Does anyone know if CS at College of science has more Math components to study? How rigorous is the academics. Can an average student cope up with the pressure.

Since the major CS is already declared, whats the GPA to maintain each semester