Congratulations... Welcome to the UM Family!

<p>This is making me crazy. Congrats to all accepted and good luck for those still waiting. I few more terrifying hours… I guess</p>

<p>Wish you the best!</p>

<p>@hangingin good luck to you too; just sent them my third email it’s a little ridiculous that we don’t have responses.</p>

<p>Hi Dufour: keep me posted. I called today at the International office and they said that our letters will go out on Wednesday… Posted between tomorrow and end of the week. Don’t know what to think. Are we really notified in a different “wave” than the rest? Please let me know when you find out your decision. Again, to much stresssssssssss</p>

<p>Its killing me mikeyyfreshhh If I go again to the site the computer will laugh at me!!!
Don´t know what else to do…</p>

<p>@hangingin HAHAHAH same! I go on every five minutes… talk about being totally obsessed. but seriously, I just called them and the lady was a total B-word. No joke. she was like “letters started going out last week; they’ll keep going out this week” <em>hangs up telephone rudely</em> so there you have it I guess. are you in U.S. or international? i’m in new jersey and I can’ts eem to understand why I don’t have an answer. This is some kind of sick joke.</p>

<p>Waitlisted… not exactly sure why because I’ve gotten into several honors programs, and my stats are well above average. Perhaps it was my essay, it was a bit of a risk. I’m worried that it is though, that same one goes out to all my common app schools!</p>

<p>as a reminder… it’s really hard to wait, but the website indicates that notifications will be sent April 15th…</p>

<p>[Freshmen</a> Application Options & Deadlines | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“]Freshmen”></p>

<p>Fall Admission
April 15 > Notification of Admission Decisions and Academic Scholarship Awards
May 1 > Enrollment deposit due</p>

<p>We’ve still got a long way to go before this is done.</p>

<p>very few decisions come out until April 15. most are sent out in march and early april.</p>

<p>Guys, I got in!! Just found out right now.</p>

<p>how are you mikeyyfreshhh? I just find out that I was waitlisted… very sad! Hope you are in. Let us know!</p>

<p>congrats omnipulse!!! good for you!</p>

<p>hangingin- I got in! Just saw my decision back home. BTW, which country are you from?</p>

<p>@omnipulse and @Dufour CONGRATS!!! @hangingin :frowning: waitlist is better than rejection you know that try to keep positive. but here’s a good laugh for all of you… they have YET to post a decision on my UM portal!</p>

<p>edited and deleted</p>

<p>@mtpaper did you get in</p>

<p>@mikeyyfreshh - I’m an applicant’s mom, not an applicant. </p>

<p>My post (which I deleted) was directed to you, suggesting that you remember that notifications will be coming out for the next FOUR weeks, and that you:

  • take up a hobby
  • clean out your room, donating things to charity
  • volunteer
  • learn to play an instrument, or become a power user for Excel, Word, photoshop etc
  • write a book within a week
  • photograph and document everything you eat for a week
  • start a blog
  • go to the gym
  • pretend you have $100m and how you’d spend it
  • offer to plan and make dinner 3x a week for the next month
  • see how many of your school’s activities you can attend within a week
  • pretend you are getting a new camera, or computer, or video camera or car, and research which one and where the best price is
  • pretend you are going to School X, and have $1000 to spend on frivolous things in preparation (ie, things for your dorm room, clothing, sporting equipment)</p>

<p>ie, do something other than obsess about getting into, or not getting into, college. </p>

<p>Note - I am giving the same advice to myself, about the waiting process.</p>

<p>unfortunately @mtpaper, this post reads “Congratulations…Welcome to the UM Family!” - would you not agree that this title suggests that all posting in the thread should be accepted students. I say this with utmost respect, but I think your suggestions belong elsewhere. This is a post where people tend to release their feelings and emotions regarding the college process entirely; therefore I find your list of “hobbies” utterly disrespectful, rude, and unmerited. I didn’t ask for your opinion about what I should do aside from obsessing over colleges; in fact, I didn’t ask for YOUR opinion! you shouldn’t be posting on here if your a mother, end of story. If you want to complain about students complaining, start another thread. I don’t know how much attention it would get though, because here on CC a lot of students understand that some threads are built not only for expression of joy (as I have done with regard to other accepted students in this thread) but also for expression of grief and anxiety should these feelings be present. Thanks!</p>

<p>If I had asked for a reminder about the April 15th deadline, I would have stated that clearly. So yeah, I suggest you take your own advice and find another thread to write on; it doesn’t look like you’re taking your own advice either seeing as you yourself are on CC. Okay done now bye!</p>

<p>hi mikeyyfreshh. I am trying to cope with my “waitlist” status. Bad name I got, because I am still hanging!!! I totally understand you and hope you find out soon. We deserve to know!<br>
Best wishes,</p>