Congratulations... Welcome to the UM Family!

<p>Transfer, accepted awhile ago :)</p>

<p>transfer, accepted feb 25th</p>

<p>I STILL DON’T HAVE A DECISION POSTED! i applied in october for EA and got deferred and i’m a legacy… this is getting annoying!</p>

<p>@chaymck I applied RD and I still don’t have a decision on the website it’s annoying. people keep saying, “it says April 15th”; well if that were true then why the bleep does everyone else have their decisions? not cool</p>

<p>@Mikeyfress, i’m waiting for my RD decision too. Which is weird, because 2 of my friends who dont want to go to UM has already been accepted!</p>

<p>International. Accepted! :)</p>

<p>alright just got my letter in the mail yet there still isn’t a decision posted online… but after applying EA as a legacy and getting deferred they waitlisted me! ughh</p>

<p>same… deferred EA, wait-listed (legacy)</p>

<p>Chaymck and Twistbeach2… what are your stats? I’m a legacy and was accepted EA with low test scores so i’m curious</p>

<p>Accepted for a while now…got my official acceptance package two weeks ago :)</p>

<p>Edit: Applied RD</p>

1960 SAT (1330 m + cr)
710 math, 620 reading, 630 writing
Sat IIs: 610 bio, 660 math II, 700 us hist
GPA 3.75 weighted</p>

<p>Almost 200 hours volunteering at local hospital and around 400 hours working as a director/editor of videos for various local organizations (MSG Varsity and PBS in particular) </p>

<p>No scholarship :(</p>

act 27 3.6 gpa. Very competitive public high school</p>


<p>Act 23 GPA 4.0 really good extra curriculars</p>

<p>@mspears8 SATS 660 math 610 reading 630 writing… gpa 3.8 at the #1 public school in the state and as for extracurriculars i have a lot of community service and job experience… a bit strange that my SATS are in the mid 50% range and i still get waitlisted</p>

<p>mikeyyfreshhh how are you? any news? I understand that some people received the letter before any change in status was posted. You shall know by now. Good luck</p>

<p>international accepted! :)</p>

<p>@hangingin still nothing. i’m totally upset I have called on various occasions and have emailed them various times. No response, no explanation.</p>

<p>i was waitlisted for the fall, but accepted for spring. does miami have a program where you can take classes in the fall and be on track to graduate in four years?</p>

<p>@wlaxboy. i was wondering the same thing. Miami was my #2, and I will only attend if my #1 rejects me… but if so i need to figure out what i would do for the fall!</p>

<p>Accepted & got 20,000 for scholarships.
Which is strange… after all, I have significantly low SAT scores…</p>

<p>I was told you need a minimum of a 1350 in the math and reading sections on the SAT to be considered for scholarship</p>