Conn. College vs UVM vs. Ithaca

Hey; I need to choose between these three schools. Any perspectives either comparing/contrasting them to each other or evaluating them individually would be very helpful to hear. Thank you!

What is your major?

What is your final cost after scholarships/grants?

Interested in majoring in English. Also interested in Philosophy.

Costs are very similar at all three schools, so money will not factor into my decision.


You can do fine at all of those places, so if the costs are the same, you can pick the one you like best for whatever random reason that is.

Do you prefer a small, tight-knit liberal arts college (Conn)? Or a large public university (UVM)? Or somewhere in between (Ithaca)?

They are all good schools but they are very different. I think you need to think about what you’re looking for in your college experience. Personally I think Conn is the best of the three, but I am somewhat biased towards liberal arts colleges.

I’d say Conn is the best of the three, too, but the vibe is different there than at either Ithaca and UVt. Try and go visit, taking notes. Attend two classes - one in your future major and one in a freshman requirement like Composition. Eat in the cafeteria, talk with students, read the paper tobsee what concerns them and how they respond.