Convince my mother?

<p>he is bright enough to get scholarships but isn’t applying</p>

<p>if you’re talking about private scholarships, you may not realize that most of those are ONLY for freshman year. They usually aren’t for all four years. And, they’re very hard to get and usually for small amounts. There just aren’t a bunch of private four year scholarships out there.</p>

<p>And, for federal student loans, the student doesn’t need parent signatures…so you won’t be on the hook.</p>

<p>Your son can borrow the following amounts on his own:</p>

<p>Frosh 5500
soph 6500
jr 7500
sr 7500</p>

<p>* Here’s the whole story. My son hasn’t even visited the UA campus, yet believes it will be the best fit for him. His ability to go to UA solely depends on him getting a higher ACT score. Our family income has taken a huge hit this year and I’m looking for the best school at the cheapest price. Right now, he has the opportunity to get 4 yrs full tuition in state. Force the issue all you want, slippy2000. Here’s the deal. If you are financing 100% of your education, you can decide 100% where you want to go. I won’t sign ANY student loans for my son, and he is bright enough to get scholarships but isn’t applying. If he gets the score he needs to get the scholarship from UA, then we will visit the campus. If he doesn’t, he won’t go. End of story. Young people need to realize that college is about getting a degree at the cheapest price. It isn’t all about the ‘college experience.’*</p>

<p>ACThater’s mom …Ang…</p>

<p>OK…so we weren’t told the whole story at first. In the opening post, there wasn’t a mention of finances. The concern seemed to be solely one of distance. Certainly, if UA or another school isn’t affordable then ACThater will have to go instate.</p>

<p>M2CK- with a 30, Alabama is my cheapest option. I created this post after the December Act. I literally took one category test each day for a month leading up to the test. Therefore, my practice scores started to increase dramatically. I feel very confident that I got a 30. So, this was created Assuming I get a 30. Therefore, money wouldn’t be in question and this post really has nothing to do with money. I only wanted some pros of bama that would make my mother feel better.</p>

<p>ok…Are you an eng’g or Comp Sci major?</p>


<p>Well, hopefully you got the 30 and then you’ll have full tuition plus the 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Did you submit your app to Bama?</p>

<p>ACThater - $ are a huge consideration. Let’s assume you get the 30. Should you choose to change majors (it does happen!) then you lose the 1/3 tuition and the $2500 engineering scholarship. And you do need to maintain your GPA to keep the scholarship you are awarded.</p>

<p>I submitted my app a few months back, and was accepted. I was stuck at a 29. I have never felt so confident after a test. Also, my mom has some friends that say “there’s something about the culture down there, he won’t like it” and, “the school for engineering is Auburn, not alabama”. Any thoughts on this?</p>

<p>2012mom- yes I do understand that. If that were to happen, I see two options: attempt to get in state tuition, or complete a year and transfer. And I don’t see keeping a 3.0 as being a problem. Yea, I know it will be extremely challenging, but I’m willing to put in all the time and effort needed to keep it.</p>

<p>ACThater, since your mom is now on CC, let’s let her ask the culture questions. You are just going to have hang tight until you know your score. In the meantime, do some of your own research, apply for some private scholarships, go volunteer - anything to pass the time more quickly. </p>

<p>UA is a very good school for engineering. Should your score come through, I would be happy to personally speak to your mother about engineering, travelling from Illinois, or anything else she may want to know. Hang in there. Don’t stress out too much and don’t stress your mom out any more. College selection is just as stressful on your parents as it is on the students!</p>

<p>Also, my mom has some friends that say “there’s something about the culture down there, he won’t like it” and, “the school for engineering is Auburn, not alabama”. Any thoughts on this?</p>

<p>that is probably being said by people WHO’VE NEVER BEEN to Bama. lol…so really, does their opinion matter? </p>

<p>Bama is a very fine school for engineering. Bama has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into its eng’g program over the past decade. There’s nothing to fear about it. All of Bama’s engineering programs are ABET accredited.</p>

<p>Having never been to Bama, my source came from someone living in Alabama who is also a parent of two college students. My other source was from Michigan and visited Bama with her son who is studying engineering. He turned down the full scholarship to attend U of Michigan. The Alabama mother said it’s a huge party school, where football rules, and the university is very unorganized. She said that housing is a huge problem and there are freshman who have to live off campus because the school is crowded. ACThater, you never turn down free money, even if you don’t think you will attend SIUC. You never know what can happen between now and the time you get ready to make this decision. It’s always better to be in a position where you have lots of options and can turn down money instead of putting all your eggs in one basket.</p>

<p>“He turned down the full scholarship to attend U of Michigan. The Alabama mother said it’s a huge party school, where football rules, and the university is very unorganized. She said that housing is a huge problem and there are freshman who have to live off campus because the school is crowded”</p>

<p>LOL…Any school with Big Div I Sports is going to be a big party school…there’s no escaping that. UMich, Penn State, etc are also Big Party Schools. </p>

<p>The university is highly organized…I can think of no reason for that crazy claim that it isn’t. That is just not what people experience. As a matter of fact, people say the exact opposite…Bama is much more organized and responsive than most other schools. </p>

<p>Football does not have any place in the Monday - Friday academic life. The school and its profs do not do anything different just because the school’s football team does well on SATURDAYS. So, the idea that 'football rules" is just not right when it comes to academics.</p>

<p>Few freshmen have to live off-campus. Those who do likely applied VERY LATE. Housing is a problem at nearly every college. However, it is becoming less so at Bama because Bama is constantly building more dorms. This fall, ANOTHER new dorm will open with another 900 beds.</p>

<p>I also handed in housing registration the first day and I plan on doing honors so housing wouldn’t be a problem freshman year.</p>

<p>Angmom3, you really need to see UA for yourself and form your own opinion. Truly, it blows SIUC away in every category (and this comes from a parent who has seen both schools and and met students and profs from both school). I understand and support you not wanting to make the trip until you know UA will be financially feasible. That said, I would pencil in a trip; figure out when would be a good time to visit, assuming your son makes the 30. It’s something to do right now while you are waiting for the score. </p>

<p>And both of you - - this is such a stressful time. Take deep breaths. It will all work out the way it’s supposed to.</p>

<p>^^scholars day^^ assuming the 30 is accomplished</p>

<p>On another thread, a mom had posted over the weekend that one of her D’s grades was surely an error (we guessed that the lab grades had been inputted wrong). Sure enough, it was a human error. However, the mistake was corrected on Monday…the first business day after the weekend. </p>

<p>That doesn’t sound like an 'unorganized school" to me.</p>

<p>Another mom, a military mom, was concerned that her child’s GI Bill scholarship would be cancelled because her D had also gotten the Presidential Scholarship. The concern was the GI Bill wouldn’t allow the student to receive TWO “tuition” awards (GI Bill and UA award). Because of this, Bama reworded its scholarship so that this student (and others in a similar situation) would be able to get BOTH awards.</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound like a unorganized school to me. </p>

<p>When my older son was hospitalized during his first year at Bama, all the profs were notified through the Dean of Students and everyone delayed his tests and assignments…one prof even let him RETAKE a test that he had taken while sick. The Dean of the Honors college called me at home and gave me his cell phone number and told me to call him at “any hour”.</p>

<p>Doesn’t sound like a unorganized school to me.</p>

<p>Does it sound unorganized to you?</p>

<p>Class2012mom: re: IL schools – Did your family visit/consider SIU-E or NIU for engineering? (If so, what did you think?) My S did not visit SIU-C and is not considering U of I at all. Visited SIU-E but won’t apply. Visited and applied to NIU. He would probably end up with full tuition for all three of those (in addition to housing at NIU) but is not wanting to even apply for the competitive scholarships! Sure makes sense to apply and see what happens…and have LOTS of good options to choose from when April rolls around, as Angmom3 said earlier. ACThater: Hope your ACT exam went well! 30+ opens lots of doors, at many different schools…</p>

<p>ooops - sorry - to clarify: …would probably end up with full tuition at SIU-E, SIU-C and NIU. NOT at U of I.</p>

<p>^^^ force the issue.</p>